Breadcrumbs 2021


You are the immaculate awareness, the immeasurable witness,

Through which nature every moment creates, every moment destroys.

It is a timeless dance, a timeless dream, in which duality is but imaginary notion.

* * * *

There is nothing in the right here, right now of the timeless moment,

To hold up or bolster the idolatry of anything or anybody in the mirage of time.

False gods are a pretense to those intent on freeing themselves from imaginary constraints.

* * * *

Imagination can create and destroy, give and take, ebb and flow, receive and impart,

Learn and ignore, listen and speak, walk and run, retreat and attack, maneuver and fire,

Block and strike, caress and maim, resign and resist, still and wander, yin and yang,

In every conceivable way, at any moment, with equal and unadorned abandon.

* * * *

What space, what time, what theater, what dream,

Could ever contact, ever confine, ever control,

The awareness you truly are, and are not.

* * * *

Stop, already, with the perfection conception archetype.

None who play mortality, are that with which perfection would ever align.

All are flawed; all are faulty, defective, damaged, blemished, inconsistent, unsound, weak.

Better to embrace the reality of this mundane touchy-feely dream,

Than to contort to yet another vain absurdity.

* * * *

To keenly perceive the limitations of imagination’s usurpation of awareness,

Is the inevitable burden of all who awaken to the illusion of space and time.

* * * *

All those likes, all those dislikes, are really nothing more

Than imaginary universes ever embracing and colliding.

* * * *

Belief, faith, hope, certainty, conviction,

And other notions of a whimsical nature,

Do not long dwell in the arena of doubt.

* * * *

Great doubt, whether through hesitation or disbelief,

Is the motivation, the momentum, the impetus, the stimulus,

That sets canvas and rudder to whatever parts known and unknown,

Any given wanderer, any given rambler, any given gypsy, any given sailor,

From harbor to harbor, from adventure to adventure, from birth to death, may tack.

* * * *

Worshipping false idols, whether in form or concept,

Is not an intelligent use of one’s brief window of time.

* * * *

If someone is soliciting your wallet for these free-given words,

Or pretending to represent some spiritual groupthink that hopefully will never spawn,

Put them behind you as quickly as them running shoes allow.

* * * *

You have seen enough, heard enough, tasted enough, smelt enough, touched enough,

And thought and done enough, for all the lifetimes you could have ever imagined.

If you signed up for this mortal playhouse, you were too drunk to remember.

* * * *

Consciousness, judgement, belief, imagery, measurement, inventiveness,

Imagination, visualization, fantasy, hallucination, meditation, contemplation, revelation,

Perception, thought, reflection, deliberation, observation, conception, prescience,

Creativity, understanding, planning, problem-solving, problem-making,

Dreaming, opinion, notion, theory, philosophy, theory, design …

All very much the same time-bound movement of mind.

* * * *

Who was the first to come down from the trees?

Who was the first to walk out into the plain?

Who was the first to gaze up into the skies?

Who was the first to use a hand signal?

Who was the first to utter a word?

Who was the first to stand?

Who was the first to walk?

Who was the first to run?

Who was the first to pursue?

Who was the first to build a fire?

Who was the first to throw a stone?

Who was the first to make a spear?

Who was the first to make a bowl?

Who was the first to make a basket?

Who was the first to tame a wolf?

Who was the first to tame a cat?

Who was the first to cook a meal?

Who was the first to use fire as a weapon?

Who was the first to write a word?

Who was the first to build a tool?

Who was the first to make a bowl?

Who was the first to make a spoon?

Who was the first to make a fork?

Who was the first to make a cup?

Who was the first to plant a seed?

Who was the first to create many gods?

Who was the first to create one god?

Who was the first to make a canoe?

Who was the first to dig a canal?

Who was the first to make an awl?

Who was the first to make ink?

Who was the first to make a knife?

Who was the first to use a club?

Who was the first to make a needle?

Who was the first to make cloth?

Who was the first to color clothing?

Who was the first to make a sword?

Who was the first to make a slingshot?

Who was the first to solve a math problem?

Who was the first to devise a geometric shape?

Who was the first to draw a line?

Who was the first to draw a square?

Who was the first to draw a triangle?

Who was the first to draw a circle?

Who was the first to make paper?

Who was the first to do a string figure?

Who was the first to make music?

Who was the first to make a flute?

Who was the first to make a drum?

Who was the first to make a harp?

Who was the first to make a harpoon?

Who was the first to make a fishing pole?

Who was the first to build a shield?

Who was the first to devise a currency?

Who was the first to make a bed?

Who was the first to enter a cave?

Who was the first to build a hut?

Who was the first to make a tent?

Who was the first to make a sling?

Who was the first to make a bow?

Who was the first to ride a horse?

Who was the first to form a hunting party?

Who was the first to make a mirror?

Who was the first to make a comb?

Who was the first to make a brush?

Who was the first to use build a home?

Who was the first to build a boat?

Who was the first to name a star?

Who was the first to make first painting?

Who was the first to design first symbol?

Who was the first to create a deity?

Who was the first to conceive good and evil?

Who was the first to create paint?

Who was the first to use a stylus?

Who was the first to make pottery?

Who was the first to devise cuneiform?

Who was the first to conceive numbers?

Who was the first to conceive letters?

Who was the first to conceive language?

Who was the first to awaken to Self?

Who was the first to conceive love?

Who was the first to conceive romance?

Who was the first to kill a beast?

Who was the first to wear clothes?

Who was the first to make a wheel?

Who was the first to make a cart?

Who was the first to make a boat?

Who was the first to make a sail?

Who was the first to barter?

Who was the first to create money?

Who was the first to make paper?

Who was the first to create a business?

Who was the first to chip a stone?

Who was the first to make an awl?

Who was the first to wear jewelry?

Who was the first to dig for metal?

Who was the first to make a forge?

Who was the first to create an explosive?

Who was the first to make a shield?

Who was the first to make a rope?

Who was the first to sew?

Who was the first to make clothes?

Who was the first to write graffiti?

Who was the first to wear a tattoo?

Who was the first to domesticate an animal?

Who was the first to swaddle an infant?

Who was the first to bury a body?

Who was the first to eat fruit?

Who was the first to take a hallucinogen?

Who was the first to make alcohol?

Who was the first to create a currency?

Who was the first to smoke tobacco?

Who was the first to kill another?

Who was the first to use a pillow?

Who was the first to float on a log?

Who was the first to swim across a river?

Who was the first to make sugar?

Who was the first to harvest honey?

Who was the first to kill a tiger?

Who was the first to ride an elephant?

Who was the first to make a saddle?

Who was the first to make a stirrup?

Who was the first to milk a goat?

Who was the first to sow a seed?

Who was the first to create a herd?

Who was the first to make a blanket?

Who was the first to make a coat?

Who was the first to dig a well?

Who were the first to hunt as a band?

Who was the first to dam a river?

Who was the first to discover gold?

Who was the first to walk a beach?

Who was the first to milk a cow?

Who was the first to climb a mountain?

Who was the first to sail on the ocean?

Who was the first to wear a dress?

Who was the first to wear pants?

Who was the first to make a belt?

Who was the first to make glass?

Who was the first to wear underwear?

Who was the first to milk a horse?

Who was the first to make a candle?

Who was the first to make a stairway?

Who was the first to build a house?

Who was the first to make a hammock?

Who was the first to make a tent?

Who was the first to catch a fish?

Who was the first to make a net?

Who was the first to trap an animal?

Who was the first to sing a song?

Who was the first to wear makeup?

Who was the first to get a haircut?

Who was the first to tie a knot?

Who was the first to trim his beard?

Who was the first to breed an animal?

Who was the first to harvest a crop?

Who was the first to rape another?

Who was the first to steal from another?

Who was the first to hoard wealth?

Who was the first to torture another?

Who was the first to fight a battle?

Who was the first to bake bread?

Who was the first to build a castle?

Who was the first to make up a story?

Who was the first to see a reflection of their face?

Who was the first to imagine a sense of self?

And who will be the last?

* * * *

That reflection in the mirror or window,

That photograph on the mantle or album or screen,

Is not you … it never was, it never will be.

You are prior to all attributes,

No matter the dream.

* * * *

It is all this imaginary becoming that wreaks all the many passions,

That generate so much sorrow and suffering in existence.

Awareness is, without concern for any moment

The human paradigm could ever spin.

* * * *

Why would anyone even begin to believe, to imagine,

The indelible mystery could ever not be whole,

That it could ever separate in any way from its awareness.

You are the mystery, you are the awareness, witness to all and none.

* * * *

Cults and religions come and go because the multitudes

Fear suffering and oblivion, fear the unknowable,

And seek salvation from the fires of damnation,

For nothing more than evils born of imagination.

Truly, the one and only angel, the one and only demon,

The one and only usurper of awareness in all its human forms.

* * * *

Imagination will, more than likely,

Very quickly, without warning or fanfare,

Take flight in the inattentive mind.

* * * *

One of our bigger errors was thinking, believing, expecting, it would be any different.

Giving power to the masses has generally been frowned upon by the bigger club-carriers.

To in any way hope that might change in these our modern times, was naïve from the get-go.

* * * *

To die before you die, you must die to the story.

To the narrative, the chronicle, the tale, the fable, the myth, the legend,

You have manufactured and projected unto your universe

For this relatively brief play of imagination.

* * * *

Vanity plays out the narrative to which you are so attached,

So conditioned by nature-nurture to every moment play out.

* * * *

You have never not been the mystery.

Duality is the polarizing inclination of imagination.

The unblemished indivisibility of nonduality is reality’s true sheen.

* * * *

Are great brutality and voraciousness truly the actions of some great evil force?

Or merely the predictable me-myself-and-I, playing out extreme tribal notions?

* * * *

But for vanity’s countless self-absorbed assertions,

You cannot be more than you already are,

Nor less than you already are not.

* * * *

Those who control the narrative shape history’s perception

Down whatever future-past its tenuous nature can lay claim.

The routine of tradition is a strong force in the human psyche,

So there is a stanch penchant to cling to whatever story is provided.

How many cultures have played out in humanity’s relatively brief epoch,

Is but one of the beyond-countless things that can never be more than speculated.

* * * *

All dreams, all worlds, all universes, all dimensions,

Are but illusions you play over and over with your Self,

In every imaginable way, times and spaces beyond counting.

* * * *

To be, or not to be.

To become, or not to become.

To doubt, or not to doubt.

To see, or not to see.

To share, or not to share.

To love, or not to love.

To serenity, or not to serenity.

To taste, or not to taste.

To think, or not to think.

To imbibe, or not to imbibe.

To give, or not to give.

To inquire, or not to inquire.

To hate, or not to hate.

To eat, or not to eat.

To still, or not to still.

To protect, or not to protect.

To smell, or not to smell.

To coexist, or not to coexist.

To kill, or not to kill.

To tranquil, or not to tranquil.

To battle, or not to battle.

To embrace, or not to embrace.

To know, or not to know.

To touch, or not to touch.

To hear, or not to hear.

To resist, or not to resist.

To breathe, or not to breathe.

To revolt, or not to revolt.

To serve, or not to serve.

To take, or not to take.

To live, or not to live.

To instruct, or not to instruct.

To die, or not to die.

To order, or not to order.

To create, or not to create.

To preserve, or not to preserve.

To destroy, or not to destroy.

To pray, or not to pray.

To grok, or not to grok.

To who, or not to who.

To predator, or not to predator.

To try, or not to try.

To wrath, or not to wrath.

To camouflage, or not to camouflage.

To covet, or not to covet.

To repose, or not to repose.

To exist, or not to exist.

To academic, or not to academic.

To boast, or not to boast.

To what, or not to what.

To sow, or not to sow.

To empathy, or not to empathy.

To follow, or not to follow.

To denounce, or not to denounce.

To torture, or not to torture.

To enjoy, or not to enjoy.

To compete, or not to compete.

To waffle, or not to waffle.

To grow, or not to grow.

To ally, or not to ally

To sojourn, or not to sojourn.

Th charge, or not to charge.

To abide, or not to abide.

To beg, or not to beg.

To rebel, or not to rebel.

To permit, or not to permit.

To mold, or not to mold.

To join, or not to join.

To review, or not to review.

To affiliate, or not to affiliate.

To dream, or not to dream.

To waiver, or not to waiver.

To conquer, or not to conquer

To win, or not to win.

To shuffle, or not to shuffle.

To lose, or not to lose.

To surrender, or not to surrender.

To go, or not to go.

To dive, or not to dive.

To write, or not to write.

To discern, or bot to discern.

To propagate, or not to propagate.

To stop, or not to stop.

To learn, or not to learn.

To succeed, or not to succeed.

To impede, or not to impede.

To where, or not to where.

To nurture, or not to nurture.

To sympathy, or not to sympathy.

To fail, or not to fail.

To sit, or not to sit.

To prey, or not to prey.

To recline, or not to recline.

To lead, or not to lead.

To victim, or not to victim.

To innovate, or not to innovate.

To wander, or not to wander.

To lie, or not to lie.

To produce, or not to produce.

To idol, or not to idol.

To investigate, or not to investigate.

To when, or not to when.

To fall, or not to fall.

To assert, or not to assert.

To draw, or not to draw.

To sheeple, or not to sheeple.

To understand, or not to understand.

To collaborate, or not to collaborate.

To quest, or not to quest.

To fly, or not to fly.

To increase, or not to increase.

To cease, or not to cease.

To pass, or not to pass.

To observe, or not to observe.

To help, or not to help.

To why, or not to why.

To speak, or not to speak.

To extrapolate, or not to extrapolate.

To symbol, or not to symbol.

To work, or not to work.

To narrate, or not to narrate.

To renounce, or not to renounce.

To play, or not to play.

To invent, or not to invent.

To remind, or not to remind.

To tolerate, or not to tolerate.

To contend, or not to contend.

To feel, or not to feel.

To contort, or not to contort.

To fantasy, or not to fantasy.

To lust, or not to lust.

To mention, or not to mention.

To argue, or not to argue.

To angel, or not to angel.

To own, or not to own.

To decrease, or not to decrease.

To how, or not to how.

To save, or not to save.

To journey, or not to journey.

To trip, or not to trip.

To rhetoric, or not to rhetoric.

To participate, or not to participate.

To allow, or not to allow.

To respond, or not to respond.

To romantic, or not to romantic.

To analyze, or not to analyze.

To act, or not to act.

To complain, or not to complain.

To passion, or not to passion.

To walk, or not to walk.

To challenge, or not to challenge.

To throw, or not to throw.

To desire, or not to desire.

To drudge, or not to drudge.

To berate, or not to berate.

To state, or not to state.

To cast off, or not to cast off.

To tribe, or not to tribe.

To teach, or not to teach.

To true, or not to true.

To achieve, or not to achieve.

To drift, or not to drift.

To maintain, or not to maintain.

To toss, or not to toss.

To start, or not to start.

To rant, or not to rant.

To disdain, or not to disdain.

To inflict, or not to inflict.

To explore, or not to explore.

To quit, or not to quit.

To criticize, or not to criticize.

To spend, or not to spend.

To buy, or not to buy.

To rise, or not to rise.

To sermon, or not to sermon.

To infinite, or not to infinite.

To care, or not to care.

To groupthink, or not to groupthink.

To heal, or not to heal.

To condemn, or not to condemn.

To doublethink, or not to doublethink.

To address, or not to address.

To quantum, or not to quantum.

To extinct, or not to extinct.

To cooperate, or not to cooperate.

To rage, or not to rage.

To party, or not to party.

To pragmatic, or not to pragmatic.

To existential, or not to existential.

To react, or not to react.

To false, or not to false.

To dismiss, or not to dismiss.

To thoughtcrime, or not to thoughtcrime.

To remark, or not to remark.

To grasp, or not to grasp.

To demon, or not to demon.

To superstition, or not to superstition.

To quarrel, or not to quarrel.

To experiential, or not to experiential.

To listen, or not to listen.

To drink, or not to drink.

To comprehend, or not to comprehend.

To harangue, or not to harangue.

To practical, or not to practical.

To one, or not to one.

To fix, or not to fix.

To empirical, or not to empirical.

To critique, or not to critique.

To riot, or not to riot.

To protect, or not to protect.

To sell, or not to sell.

To totality, or not to totality.

To twist, or not to twist.

To flourish, or not to flourish.

To zip, or not to zip.

To cultivate, or not to cultivate.

To hunger, or not to hunger.

To vie, or not to vie.

To paradox, or not to paradox.

To irony, or not to irony.

To hint, or not to hint.

To describe, or not to describe.

To mature, or not to mature.

To newspeak, or not to newspeak.

To zeal, or not to zeal.

To explain, or not to explain.

To fish, or not to fish.

To doublespeak, or not to doublespeak.

To condone, or not to condone.

To run, or not to run.

To reason, or not to reason.

To anarchy, or not to anarchy.

To seek, or not to seek.

To repair, or not to repair.

To desecrate, or not to desecrate.

To deride, or not to deride.

To wise, or not to wise.

To comment, or not to comment.

To kneel, or not to kneel.

To nest, or not to nest.

To assist, or not to assist.

To oppose, or not to oppose.

To perceive, or not to perceive.

To defend, or not to defend.

To witness, or not to witness.

To thirst, or not to thirst.

To ask, or not to ask.

To announce, or not to announce.

To shield, or not to shield.

To harvest, or not to harvest.

To delve, or not to delve.

To note, or not to note.

To mayhem, or not to mayhem.

To fathom, or not to fathom.

To delight, or not to delight.

To dig, or not to dig.

To partner, or not to partner.

To sally, or not to sally.

To adapt, or not to adapt.

To attack, or not to attack.

To venture, or not to venture.

To evolve, or not to evolve.

To chameleon, or not to chameleon.

To have, or not to have.

To pretend, or not to pretend.

To struggle, or not to struggle.

To endure, or not to endure.

To wonder, or not to wonder.

To question, or not to question.

To be, or not to be.

Those are some questions.

* * * *

Why is it so enticing, so beguiling, for you to know that which can never be known?

Why is it necessary for you to continue believing whatever imaginary stories your culture has spun?

Or for you to continue believing whatever imaginary narratives you have yourself spun?

Why is it so arduous to be in concord, in harmony, with the mystery you are?

To just serenely be the moment to which awareness is witness.

* * * *

God is never born. God never dies.

God is the timelessness prior to all time-bound creations.

God is awareness, unborn, undying, untouched by the vagaries of consciousness.

God is much more, God is much less, than any word.

There is no God but you.

* * * *

How can awareness see without eyes?

How can awareness hear without ears?

How can awareness smell without a nose?

How can awareness taste without a tongue?

How can awareness touch without a receptacle?

How can awareness perceive without a mind?

Manifestation is necessary for the mystery

To perceive, to discover, to experience,

Whatever dreams existence offers.

* * * *

One moment you are the dreamer, the conditioned part imagination routinely plays.

And the next, you are the awareness, the one and only you, dreaming.

Dreamer and dreaming, back and forth, forth and back.

Not at all an easy thing to stay awake.

* * * *

It is consciousness, imagination, that moves, not awareness.

It is not your awareness, it is not my awareness, it is simply awareness.

Forever a mystery: inexplicable, unfathomable, ineffable, indelible, immeasurable.

Only in the timeless present, only in the unborn-undying, immutable moment, can it be discerned.

* * * *

Every sentient being has its own dream, its own world, its own universe.

There is no creator judging; there is only the creation experiencing.

The concoctions of priesthood middlemen are nothing more

Than means to manipulate masses to their own ends.

The only thing personal about the dream is you,

And you are nothing more than an invention of imagination.

It is in the awareness of the moment that you will discern the true Self.

* * * *

Let go all the narratives, even your own, and what is left

But the pure awareness of a very still, very timeless moment.

* * * *

Consciousness (a.k.a., imagination) starts and stops, ebbs and flows, creaks and groans.

The awareness, the eternal moment, ever streams through the kaleidoscoping dreamtime.

* * * *

There is no imaginary creator on high judging its creation.

There is only the spontaneous creation equally experiencing all dreamtimes.

Heavens and hells and purgatories are the delusional fabrications

Of those who allow imagination to get the better of them.

Implacable doubt is the means to awakening

To the awareness witnessing all.

* * * *

How many fellow earthlings, given the capacity, would not do everything we have?

All organisms small to great have an opportunistic impetus to survive however they can.

It is the sense of self, and the insatiability of imagination, bodily hunger morphed into avarice,

That has taken instinct, the drive to persevere, to a cancerous level no web of life can forever endure.

* * * *

Doubt is the key ingredient.

Believing anything, assuming anything,

Is the sure road to any and every imaginable delusion.

* * * *

Kudos and boos to all those who weave the lie to their own ends.

It is a mysterious dream, well-suited to sociopaths and psychopaths.

* * * *

It is a mysterious mystery.

It is an absolute mystery.

It is an immeasurable mystery.

It is an immaculate mystery.

It is a sovereign mystery.

It is an indelible mystery.

It is an unadulterated mystery.

It is an indivisible mystery.

It is an inexplicable mystery.

It is an ultimate mystery.

It is an unknowable mystery.

It is a timeless mystery.

It is a quintessential mystery.

It is a spaceless mystery.

It is an imperishable mystery.

It is an unfathomable mystery.

It is a pristine mystery.

It is an indecipherable mystery.

It is a seamless mystery.

It is an interminable mystery.

It is a baffling mystery.

It is an unmitigated mystery.

It is an unspoiled mystery.

It is an impeccable mystery.

It is an enigmatic mystery.

It is an inconceivable mystery.

It is an untainted mystery.

It is an ineffable mystery.

It is an inscrutable mystery.

It is a precise mystery.

It is an impenetrable mystery.

It is an ideal mystery.

It is a flawless mystery.

It is an unborn mystery.

It is an undying mystery.

It is an eternal mystery.

It is an unparalleled mystery.

It is a supreme mystery.

It is an architype mystery.

It is a superlative mystery.

It is an unavoidable mystery.

It is a creative mystery.

It is a destructive mystery.

It is an inventive mystery.

It is an imaginative mystery.

It is an unprecedented mystery.

It is a singular mystery.

It is a spectacular mystery.

It is an unusual mystery.

It is a novel mystery.

It is an innovative mystery.

It is a spontaneous mystery.

It is a kaleidoscoping mystery.

It is a unique mystery.

It is a paradigm mystery.

It is a metaphorical mystery.

It is a adamant mystery.

It is a metaphorical mystery.

It is an inescapable mystery.

It is an unchangeable mystery.

It is a relentless mystery.

It is an inflexible mystery.

It is an ironic mystery.

It is a paradoxical mystery.

It is a boggling mystery.

It is an unrivalled mystery.

It is an unequaled mystery.

It is an unmatched mystery.

It is an unsurpassed mystery.

It is a special mystery.

It is an outstanding mystery.

It is a brilliant mystery.

It is an inexorable mystery.

It is an exclusive mystery.

It is an incomprehensible mystery.

It is a distinctive mystery.

It is an exceptional mystery.

It is an inimitable mystery.

It is a matchless mystery.

It is a one-off mystery.

It is an outstanding mystery.

It is an irreplaceable mystery.

It is a hypothetical mystery.

It is a theoretical mystery.

It is an implausible mystery.

It is a surreptitious mystery.

It is an unsolvable mystery.

It is a cryptic mystery.

It is a puzzling mystery.

It is an extraordinary mystery.

It is a profound mystery.

It is a ruthless mystery.

It is a perplexing mystery.

It is a complex mystery.

It is an incomparable mystery.

It is a peculiar mystery.

It is a weird mystery.

It is an audacious mystery.

It is a cagey mystery.

It is a fearless mystery.

It is an intrepid mystery.

It is a courageous mystery.

It is a puzzling mystery.

It is an obscure mystery.

It is a hidden mystery.

It is an ambiguous mystery.

It is an abyss mystery.

It is an empty mystery.

It is an obtuse mystery.

It is a vacuous mystery.

It is a streaming mystery.

It is a bottomless mystery.

It is a shrewd mystery.

It is a perceptive mystery.

It is a wise mystery.

It is a judicious mystery.

It is an incisive mystery.

It is an intelligent mystery.

It is a sensible mystery.

It is a never-ending mystery.

It is a limitless mystery.

It is a boundless mystery.

It is an effortless mystery.

It is an unpretentious mystery.

It is an artless mystery.

It is an inherent mystery.

It is an actual mystery.

It is a predictable mystery.

It is a foolish mystery.

It is an instinctive mystery.

It is a hollow mystery.

It is a vague mystery.

It is a vibrating mystery.

It is a pointless mystery.

It is a hard-hearted mystery.

It is a methodical mystery.

It is an oscillating mystery.

It is a quantum mystery.

It is a scientific mystery.

It is a logical mystery.

It is a precise mystery.

It is a detached mystery.

It is a forthright mystery.

It is a natural mystery.

It is an exact mystery.

It is a systematic mystery.

It is a complete mystery.

It is a definitive mystery.

It is a state-of-the-art mystery.

It is a true mystery.

It is an implacable mystery.

It is a merciless mystery.

It is an unbending mystery.

It is a callous mystery.

It is an abundant mystery.

It is an everything mystery.

It is an unbreakable mystery.

It is an immortal mystery.

It is a ground mystery.

It is a demanding mystery.

It is a meticulous mystery.

It is a holographic mystery.

It is a matrix mystery.

It is a patternless mystery.

It is an arcane mystery.

It is an esoteric mystery.

It is an untraceable mystery.

It is a pathless mystery.

It is an indescribable mystery.

It is a majestic mystery.

It is a nothing mystery.

It is a fastidious mystery.

It is an unexplainable mystery.

It is an unyielding mystery.

It is an infinite mystery.

It is a bona fide mystery.

It is a mysterious mystery.

It is a … mystery.

* * * *

Imagine whatever you will, as often as you will,

It has never been more real than the given moment,

Which is a vague reality, a dubious awareness, in its Self.

* * * *

Your sensory mind-body, your world, your cosmos, is a quantum construct of imagination.

Since birth, you have been conditioned, mesmerized, brainwashed, compelled,

By the given nature-nurture, to play a part that partakes it all real.

Few see it for what it is; fewer still live it for what it is.

* * * *

Yes, it more than likely you will wake up tomorrow morning

Just as mesmerized as you have been all those yesterdaze.

Awakening to the illusion of it all, is the rarest of feats.

* * * *

“God’s Plan” appears to be for the human species to play out, to witness,

Every conceivable, every achievable, every nook and cranny absurdity,

That vanity and greed, narcissism and hedonism, can possibly muster.

What a jester that Santa Claus is; he make us laugh plenty ha-ha hard.

* * * *

Everyone imagines, everyone breathes, everyone consumes,

Everyone desires, everyone fears, everyone suffers, everyone dies.

You are very much alone, very much not alone, each and every moment.

* * * *

No perception … No sight, no sound, no taste, no smell, no touch,

Ever lasts more than the ever-present, timeless moment.

Only imagination ties the sensory illusion together.

Awareness is the presence through which all dreams abide.

* * * *

Cultures across all times, all geographies, have all fashioned mythologies,

Legends, folklores, traditions, fables, sagas, fairytales, parables,

Allegories, beliefs, creeds, convictions, and dogmas.

All founded on imaginary underpinnings

Stemming from the same inexplicable, unnamable mystery.

* * * *

As diverse as they may seem, human beings are very much the same across all times, all geographies.

They work, they play; they laugh, they cry; they love, they hate; they cooperate, they secede and clash.

They act out every sensation, every emotion, every passion, for which the genomic algorithm is wired.

How free can any mind-body be in the face of evolution’s timeless wheel of creation and destruction?

* * * *

You know that you do not know what the fuck is going on here,

And you do not believe nor trust nor hope that anyone else truly does, either.

And thus, you wander all alone, through any and all camps, watching, waiting, wondering.

* * * *

What a bizarre thing to supposedly be created by some supreme being,

Only to be cast forever into hell or purgatory for not falling into line

With a controversial collection of desert-dweller commandments,

Or an implausible messiah and his frothing cult of true-believers.

Even if there is some sort of Santa Claus rendering of a god on high,

Have you really lived such a despicable existence to be all that apprehensive

About being eternally damned in the byzantine abysses of some Dante-esque inferno?

I mean, seriously?

* * * *

A vast horde of conglomerate empires, voracious dinosaurs, insatiable lizard-brains,

Daily, bit by bit, greedily devastating this garden planet and all its creations.

What hope can there be in the face of such overwhelming synergy?

* * * *

Jesus was more than likely not your rendering of Jesus, nor was Buddha,

Nor were any other graven mirages history has in imagination ever devised.

* * * *

Will that thought, that memory, that perception, ever go away?

Probably, but maybe with Magic Eight Ball glimpses here and there.

* * * *

What is prior to consciousness? Awareness.

What is prior to awareness? Nothing.

* * * *

You know that you do not know what the fuck is going on here,

And you do not believe, do not trust, that anyone else really does, either.

But for the greater part of the human mass, and its paradigm of vanity and greed,

The belief, the faith, the assumption, the conviction, the confidence, that someone else does,

Has directed the human absurdity into the deafening crescendo it has become in these modern times.

* * * *

How can timeless awareness and the so-called soul not be one in the same?

All divisions, all dualities, all gulfs, all rifts, are the concoctions of imagination.

* * * *

How can something be either ‘meant’ to happen or ‘not meant’ to happen?

It simply does or does not; there is no higher power moving you about some chessboard.

Only vanity contrives deities to give meaning and purpose to a mystery that is oblivious to any and all.

* * * *

How can you possibly let go of it,  until you every moment discern it all illusion?

And is it truly worth all the exertion? All the effort? And for what, really?

When it does not at all ultimately matter in any way-shape-form.

So … Red Pill? … Or Blue? … You choose, as destiny (i.e., vanity) calls.

* * * *

No one is at the helm of your illusory fate but you.

Calm or stormy, you will sail on and on,

To one sorry end or aother,

This brief existence being what it is.

* * * *

Each and every one is on their own, is the ultimate reality.

There are no trophies, no medals, no ribbons, no laurels, no brass rings.

There is no gold at the end of the rainbow, nor a seat at the foot of some deity on high.

All who quest truth, scrape away at their illusions, their delusions, their fallacies, their desires, their fears,

To whatever degree seems most authentic to the imagination of the given nature-nurture.

Right, wrong, or somewhere between, why would it possibly matter?

* * * *

The quantum theater, time and space, are ultimately not real,

So beginnings and endings are little more than moot assertions.

Illusory fabrications of the senses feeding into the neural transmitter.

A biological matrix founded on the Darwinian happenstance of evolution.

* * * *

The number of deities and demons that humankind has imagined

Throughout its perpetual migration across the world,

Would make for a very long list, indeed.

* * * *

Has there ever been even just one human culture across all times, all geographies,

That has not contrived a belief system of one sort or another?

Is a question that can never be answered.

* * * *

Knowledge, dogma, superstition, trivia, can be passed on,

But critical thinking, common sense, discernment, insight, wisdom,

Are well beyond the compass of any classroom or catechism or indoctrination,

For that is in the dynamic, the joie de vivre, of any given nature-nurture to fathom, or not.

* * * *

If time does not exist,

How is any before, any beginning, any during, any ending, any after,

Even possible as more than illusion?

* * * *

It is absolutely impossible for the awareness that you are and are not,

To be anywhere else but this moment, this instant, right here, right now.

Only imagination travels the three-dimensional illusion of time and space,

Through which the quantum mind-body plays out its sensory mortal dream.

* * * *

Watch the senses reach out into the world, the cosmos, that awareness every moment attends.

Watch the eyes see, the ears hear, the tongue taste, the nose smell, the flesh feel, the mind reflect.

How is it not obvious that this entire universe, this entire dream,  is but an illusion you have created?

* * * *

If you are of a contemplative, reflective, pondering, meditative nature,

Cease hunting for meaning and purpose, knowledge and wisdom, in this world or any other.

It is nothing but the ceaseless distraction of a quantum dream.

Journey the still abyss within.

* * * *

Where is the boundary between consciousness and sub-consciousness,

But in minds unwilling, minds unable, to distinguish whimsey from reality.

If you are in accord with nature, with the rubrics of the quantum dream,

How can you not ramble unburdened by the limitations of delusion?

How can you not be in tune, in sync, with your total beingness?

* * * *

Consciousness will not long remember you,

And the starry-starry cosmos will not even for a moment miss you.

Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

No pyramid, or any other repository for the departed,

Has ever been an means to carry on after death.

When the Grim Reaper comes to harvest payment due,

There will no longer be a mind-body for awareness to occupy,

Much less a vault-in-tow, filled to the brim with treasure and memory.

We are but flickers of existence here, all occupying very temporal containers.

All fashioned by nature-nurture into programmed destinies that cannot long endure.

* * * *

Whether painting or sculpture or tune or essay or universe,

All creation requires some sort of fashioning evolution.

No form, no world, no cosmos, just appears out of the blue.

All assertions to the contrary are but delusions yammering away.

* * * *

Is time separate from space?

Are clouds separate from the sky?

Are currents separate from the ocean?

Is consciousness separate from awareness?

Is one moment separate from any other moment?

Are you separate from the mystery that is unfathomable?

All dualistic notions are nothing more than plays of imagination.

* * * *

Another day in the dream ends; another night in the dream begins.

Another night in the dream ends; another day in the dream begins.

And so on, and so forth, and so on, and so forth … Try not to yawn.

* * * *

Those who inquire into the farthest reaches are able to step back

And observe their illusory dream with a detachment only seers know.

* * * *

You are not your mind.

You are not your body.

You are not your mask.

You are not your nature.

You are not your nurture.

You are not your imagination.

You are not your perceptions.

You are not your memories.

You are not your vanities.

You are not your dreams.

You are not your hopes.

You are not your values.

You are not your history.

You are not your language.

You are not your identity.

You are not your name.

You are not your ethnicity.

You are not your gender.

You are not your family.

You are not your tribe.

You are not your caste.

You are not your culture.

You are not your country.

You are not your religion.

You are not your work.

You are not you talents.

You are not your hobbies.

You are not your things.

You are not your successes.

You are not your failures.

You are not your desires.

You are not your fears.

You are not your ecstasies.

You are not your agonies.

You are not your time.

You are not your space.

You are not your world.

You are not your universe.

You are not your dimension.

You are not anything; you are not everything.

You are not … You are not … You are not … You are not …

But the awareness, the indivisibility, the mystery, permeating all … and none.

* * * *

Time is the creation, the dance, the dream, the frolic, the bane, of memory cells.

It was the means for imagination’s gradual usurpation of instinct,

The make-believe of self, and the pretense of free will.

* * * *

The first … the initiator, the designer, the motivator, the inventor, the architect, the creator …

Shows others that something is worth doing, worth considering, worth changing.

The second … the third … the fourth … and others who follow …

Slowly but surely craft some sort of paradigm shift,

Until another trailblazer comes along with a newer, better idea.

Such is the rise and fall, the creation and destruction, of any and all bell curves.

* * * *

To really go all the way,

To really surrender all the way,

To really be totally awake in awareness,

Is the eternal harmony, the unborn-undying reality,

Of the great nothingness from which all appearances are spun.

The challenge is to embrace the mystery of awareness,

Without the imaginary limits of consciousness.

* * * *

There is no authority in the inquiry into the mystery.

No writings, no individuals, no groups, no deities high or low,

Are more than imaginary anchors in the unborn-undying dreamtime.

There is no owning the mystery, never has been, never will be.

You are first and last, in whatever way you discern.

* * * *

The trick to not collecting followers is to become somewhat unappealing in one way or another.

It is enough for any who cross your path to have gleaned your message.

Far better they wander on under their own steam,

To do with their nature-nurture dream, whatever the fates deign.

* * * *

How can time be wasted if there is no such thing?

Only vanity would ever contrive meaning and purpose.

* * * *

Asleep or drowsy or indolent or awake,

It is all the same quantum pointlessness,

It is all the same quantum unfathomability.

It is all the same quantum unborn-undying.

It is all the same quantum unknowability.

It is all the same quantum indivisibility.

It is all the same quantum dreamtime.

It is all the same quantum mystery.

* * * *

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.

The only way to be free of it is to imbed in the moment,

Ever motionless, ever aware,  ever indivisible, ever indelible, ever unborn-undying.

* * * *

A frame of reference is a stew, a blend, a fusion, a union, a brew, a mélange,

A double-double-toil-and-trouble-fire-burn-and-caldron-bubble,

That the fate, the destiny, the kismet, the nature-nurture,

Has through happenstance-happenchance

In imagination played.

* * * *

We are well beyond turning back from the precipice we have created.

Too many problems to even attempt changing course in any meaningful way.

The species is as captive to its narcissistic-hedonistic self-absorption as it has ever been.

And all accelerating exponentially in every way, every shape, every form, imagination has to offer.

The hungry monkey is not letting go of that tasty bait in the coconut snare anytime ever.

In Darwinian reckoning, greed may not always be the best survival strategy.

* * * *

What is a prison?

A small locked room with bars?

A mass of mind and body and sensory intrigue?

Or a cosmos of stars too far to ever more than imagine reaching?

* * * *

The expert is someone who has studied something so much,

That s/he really truly believes they actually know something.

* * * *

… Creation … Preservation … Destruction …

… Creation … Preservation … Destruction … Creation … Preservation … Destruction …

… Creation … Preservation … Destruction …

* * * *

Erasing the scars from the traces of existence is not an easy undertaking.

Even the most persevering can tumble back into their imaginary cosmos.

* * * *

Senses, organs, glands, bones, muscles, nerves, tissue, skin, hair,

Blood, saliva, snot, sweat, piss, shit, gas, and other fluids.

Is that really you? Is that really what you truly are?

Or is the mind-body just the only practical way

The mystery could manifest a touchy-feely dream?

* * * *

Down one road or trail or another, you will long and winding wander,

Partaking whatever the dreamtime offers, as nature-nurture allows.

* * * *

God is all the creation, all the preservation, all the destruction.

God is all the you’s there are, have ever been, will ever be.

There is not, has never been, will never be, any other.

* * * *

As much as you might believe it to be more,

As much as you might achingly yearn for it to be more,

It is not more, nor has never been more, nor will never be more.

Nor is it less, nor has it ever been less, nor will it ever be less.

Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

The vanity of Jesus was witnessed by the same awareness

Witnessing yours and every other critter’s across critterdom.

* * * *

If you could travel back in space-time to a variety of life events, would you see them the same?

Would they seem fairly similar to your vague memories, or be almost entirely rewritten?

And how different would they be if you were to re-watch them every decade or so?

Memory being what it is, frame of reference being what it is, chances are good

That your perspective, your assessment, might well be different each and every time.

* * * *

Before the advent of humankind, this garden pearl was akin to a finely-tuned clock.

As eternally precise as its Darwinian nature could be.

And then man learned of fire,

And history streamed into absurdity beyond all pales.

* * * *

Very likely history will not shine a bright light on the United States of Amerika.

Assuming, of course, humankind manages to survive its absurdities

Long enough to contemplate the how-we-got-here thing.

* * * *

What reason, what point, what advantage, is more absurd mind gorp,

When you likely already know many or most things far much more than necessary.

After all, how many times does the same recording need be uploaded?

* * * *

The so much that you believe you know, is infinitely dwarfed by all that you do not.

And what, pray tell, do you really know of anything, but the huff ‘n puff of imagination?

* * * *

Good and evil, like and dislike, love and hate, great and small, black and white.

All conceptions of manifest consciousness, of imagination.

Awareness ever aloof, untouched.

* * * *

You may be mistaken about all this, but do not see how.

In every way truth can be comprehended: from rational to irrational,

From absolute to relative, from to realistic to delusional, from infinite to infinitesimal,

From sensible to absurd, from ironic to paradoxical, from black to white,

It all melds into a unified certainty that cannot be undone.

It is this acuity, both deliberated and intuited,

That doubts all other contenders.

* * * *

A secular response to how all religion is sustained. is akin to The Emperor's New Clothes folktale.

A story about vanity, and how others play along for fear of embarrassment being found out.

It is a collective narrative, a miasma, seemingly built into humankind’s genetic coding.

* * * *

To understand what is actually being spoken or written in most any context,

Requires an astute mind’s eye capable of nuanced, critical thinking,

Marinated in a wholesome fusion of absurdism infinitum.

* * * *

No one can ever know what anybody or anything else

Sees or hears or tastes or smells or feels, or any other sensory feed.

Perception is a nature-nurture quantum phenomenon, boggling to the nth degree.

All things great to small, are very much alone together.

* * * *

The human species is a creation of this quantum garden world.

It evolved simultaneously alongside all the other life forms,

Each and every one developing its own sensory reality,

In unmitigated harmony with its given environment.

Naturally selected or intelligently designed, what matter?

Speculation is the irrefutable bailiwick of ineffectual thinking.

* * * *

Somehow this universe was created.

Somehow this world was created.

Somehow sentient forms were created.

Somehow the human species was created.

All speculation about the somehow is pointless.

Here you are, here we are, creating our future-past.

* * * *

Un-imagine you are this mind-body.

Un-imagine you are this existence.

Un-imagine you are this world.

Un-imagine you are this cosmos.

Un-imagine you are this dreamtime.

* * * *

Consciousness is ever-changing; awareness, ever-changeless.

In every moment, you are as close to nothing as awareness is.

* * * *

Stop imagining you are the same character you were yesterday,

And all the unborn-undying yesterdaze before that.

Infinity hath no bounds, including you.

* * * *

Imagine your body in flames like a marshmallow over a campfire.

The eternal awareness observing, thoroughly detached, thoroughly indifferent,

As the body screams and writhes, until there is nothing left about which to scream or writhe.

* * * *

For those who seek that beyond all doubt, the world, the universe,

Gradually loses its hold over the intelligence prior to consciousness.

* * * *

As long as you believe you are the sensory body,

You will suffer its perpetual potpourri of agonies and ecstasies,

As you meander all the sights and sounds and tastes and smells and touches,

That the mind’s cosmos has to offer in its nature-nurture realm.

To be liberated is to surrender without reservation,

To the awareness prior to consciousness.

* * * *

What cosmos does any creature perceive?

What cosmos does an aardvark perceive?

What cosmos does a cockroach perceive?

What cosmos does an octopus perceive?

What cosmos does a sparrow perceive?

What cosmos does a buffalo perceive?

What cosmos does a giraffe perceive?

What cosmos does a turtle perceive?

What cosmos does a trout perceive?

What cosmos does a tiger perceive?

What cosmos does a dog perceive?

What cosmos does a tree perceive?

What cosmos does a frog perceive?

What cosmos does a seal perceive?

What cosmos does a clam perceive?

What cosmos does an ant perceive?

What cosmos does a bush perceive?

What cosmos does a hawk perceive?

What cosmos does a whale perceive?

What cosmos does a shark perceive?

What cosmos does bacteria perceive?

What cosmos does a human perceive?

What cosmos does a lobster perceive?

What cosmos does an oyster perceive?

What cosmos does a dolphin perceive?

What cosmos does a penguin perceive?

What cosmos does a scorpion perceive?

What cosmos does a kangaroo perceive?

What cosmos does any creature perceive?

Perception is a nature-nurture phenomenon.

All things great to small, very much alone together.

* * * *

Money is not the root of all evil, any more than guns or other weapons are the root of death.

It is greed, and the vanity, the self-absorption, the narcissism, that is the root of that called evil.

And it is the quantum mind … it is consciousness … it is imagination … that is its neural playground.

Ecclesiastes 1:2 … “Vanity of vanities,” saith the Preacher, “Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.”

* * * *

Existence is only as viable as the neuron matrix,

Which facilitates consciousness (a.k.a., imagination)

To dance away, to whirl and twirl in eternal awareness.

* * * *

For human consciousness to evolve, and survive, and thrive,

Required naturally-selected delusion fostered by quantum illusion.

A hypnotizing algorithm, a molding of mind and body,

From the jungle ponds of Eden long ago.

* * * *

How challenging it is to be in the garden, and not of it.

To be with family, friends, co-workers, adversaries,

Or merely wandering through the day-to-day,

And always be aware you are awareness,

While consciousness frolics about the mind,

Has never been easy for any of the myriad seers

Who in all future-pasts have discerned it but illusion.

* * * *

All anyone can know about the mystery, about the awareness,

Is all the speculations that traditions around the world have contrived.

Stories, stories, and more stories, none more valid than any other.

Not authentic knowing in any way, any shape, any form.

* * * *

What is won is lost.

What is created is lost.

What is learned is lost.

What is built is lost.

Sooner or later.

* * * *

The genetic lottery spins a matrix in which the dreaming you imagine real and true,

Will witness the agony and ecstasy of each and every moment destiny has in store.

* * * *

The mystery is all, the mystery is one, including you,

In the creation of all beginnings, in the destruction of all endings,

And the process in all the befores, in all the betweens, in all the afters, as well.

* * * *

Have you ever beheld even one moment of awareness,

Where ethics or any other imaginary notion or sentiment,

Had any say, any validity, any reality, any truth, whatsoever?

The eternal mystery does not give a flying hooey about anything.

Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

Irony and paradox and absurdity rule.

Practice detachment.

* * * *

We call it space, we call it time, we call it so many things.

But in truth, it is but awareness witnessing a quantum dream.

A friggin’ boggling mystery, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

It is in the timeless perception of awareness in the given moment,

That the true kingdom, the true heaven, the true singularity, is discerned.

It is not, it has never been, it will never be, anything articulated by consciousness.

* * * *

It is only in the given moment, it is only in the awareness, that you exist.

Everything else is but a dream of consciousness, of imagination,

Nothing more than a kaleidoscoping quantum theater.

And the nature of that so-called existence

Is but a subjective assumption.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

How could awareness witness its quantum creation

In omniscient-omnipresent-omnipotent fashion,

But through the eye of every sentient being,

All equally born of the same indelible mystery.

* * * *

The soul you quest is your awareness.

The same awareness that is equally in all things, across all creation.

It is not your awareness, it is not my awareness, it is not our awareness; it is simply awareness.

There is only one soul, some call it god, and it is one and all … including you.

* * * *

It was not some deity who created man and woman in his or hers or its image.

It was man and woman who invented deities in their imagination,

And the result is a great swath of the human story.

* * * *

Awareness is the bastion of serenity.

Vanity is the source of all hells, of all purgatories.

Eternity has been right here, right now, every moment, all along.

Time and space are but quantum illusions choregraphed by the sensory mind.

It is through the self-absorption of consciousness, of imagination,

That we have become blind to the timeless presence.

Still the mind-body, abide in awareness,

Discern the mystery you are.

* * * *

Awareness is all: indelible, unsullied, indivisible, unfathomable.

Practically any way consciousness plays it is laced with vanity.

* * * *

Like snowflakes and fingerprints and chromosomes,

We will always be different; we will always be limited editions.

We will always perceive the world, the cosmos, in our own unique ways.

We will always be one of a kind, no matter how much we pretend to be the same.

We are all walking the same stage in different universes.

* * * *

The choices you every cause-and-effect, yes-no-maybe moment make,

Will impact every tomorrow your timeline has yet to celebrate or lament.

Being as mindful, as attentive, as possible, is rarely a bad part of those choices.

No one gets out of this dream without at least a notion of the price of consequences.

* * * *

The unborn-undying moment is where awareness timelessly resides.

Consciousness (a.k.a., imagination) is anything else, is everything else.

* * * *

The human paradigm,

Fueled by imagination,

Snared in space and time,

The roaring falls ahead.

* * * *

A neural network of memories, of perceptions,

Is all you are, have ever been, will ever be.

Space-time is but a quantum illusion.

Consciousness, but temporal theater.

Clouds drifting in the eternal awareness.

Unborn, undying, indivisible, unfathomable.

* * * *

Every other tribe, every other group, every other culture,

Is barbaric, brutish, bestial, savage, inhuman,

And you, the same to them.

* * * *

What is there to be egocentric about once you are truly detached,

Once you are truly naught but the awareness prior to consciousness.

* * * *

Awareness is ever untouched, indifferent, uncorrupted, untainted, unblemished, immaculate, flawless.

Awareness is indelible, changeless, indivisible, unfathomable, absolute, unborn, undying.

Whatever happened any moment ago, whatever happens any moment hence,

Have absolutely no relationship with any right here, right now,

But through the imaginary, illusory, time-bound notions of consciousness.

* * * *

If there was a Jesus, it is not at all likely he was the one you imagine.

Same with Buddha, Lao Tzu, or any other brigands your mind harbors.

* * * *

When referring to the relationship between awareness and consciousness,

How to articulate it? … prior to consciousness? … or … beyond consciousness?

Both have been equally used in these many thoughts as suits the aphoristic creation.

* * * *

The mind-body has its fate, the imaginary persona has its fate,

But the real you, the awareness, the moment, Self, itself,

What fate can there possibly be but all and none.

* * * *

This garden world is quite capable of creating it all on its own.

It is a quantum algorithm, no aliens required, only imagination.

* * * *

All expressions, all narratives, all illustrations, all constructs of consciousness,

Become inconsequential in the hereness, the nowness, of pure, timeless awareness.

That which is totality – often called by one deific name or another -- in all its mystery.

* * * *

From birth to death, from first breath to last, from first moment to last,

The mystery of awareness is sovereign witness to the play of consciousness.

* * * *

Awareness does not require faith.

Awareness does not require belief.

Awareness does not require dogma.

Awareness does not require anything.

* * * *

The mystery, the moment, the awareness, can never know itself

But through the reflections of consciousness, the reflections of the illusory other.

Therefore, creation and preservation and destruction,

Rife with agony and ecstasy.

* * * *

If it is belief, it is false.

Nothing more than an invention born of consciousness.

Seeing is not believing.

* * * *

True believers lack the wit to grasp the subtleties of irony and paradox,

And the nuances required for deep refection in the earnest quest for truth.

* * * *

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

But for consciousness, would space, would time, would light, would sound, exist?

* * * *

Consciousness is the great divider.

The source of all dualistic perception.

The source of all dualistic misconception.

* * * *

Awareness is the ether of consciousness.

Consciousness is the engine of will.

Will is the engine of vanity.

Vanity is the engine of greed.

* * * *

An imaginary universe, an imaginary world, an imaginary self.

How can that which has never been more than the vapor of consciousness,

That which has never been real, has never been tangible, ever be more than a dream?

* * * *

The motivations of any middleman between you and truth can be more than a little dubious.

Speculation is not truth, and many if not most who consider themselves religious-slash-spiritual,

Are spellbound by, ensnared by, blinded by, the time-bound catechisms of their cultural assumptions.

Add to that the three vanities of power and fame and fortune, fueled by greed,

And truth becomes but a usurped ways and means.

* * * *

How can time ever touch the timeless?

How can space ever touch the spaceless?

How can imagination ever possess reality?

* * * *

The reality of mortality.

The quantum of mortality.

The awareness of mortality.

The absurdity of mortality.

The paradox of mortality.

The irony of mortality.

* * * *

Absolutely beyond-the-pale astounding,

How so many cling to ignorance, to fallacy, to delusion,

Conceived thousands of years ago.

* * * *

Regarding the fate of the human paradigm, is there really any point in saying anything,

When the species is careening full bore towards the edge of the Petri dish,

And not more than the barest squeal of brakes to be heard.

All hopeful endeavors are destined to fail.

* * * *

If you see your Self as the mind-body, if you are attached to the world,

Imagination will take you through every possible agony.

Ecstasy is the plight of the detached.

* * * *

Being born has proven to be fatal in every case thus far known,

Except for vampires and other characters of a fictional nature.

* * * *

You are the moment, you are the awareness, you are the unfathomable, you are the mystery,

The challenge is to not allow the mind to take it any further into the imaginary realm.

There is no need for more irrationality, more absurdity, than there already is.

Just be, right here, right now, free of all the limitations spawned by imagination.

* * * *

This garden world is a most excellent purgatory.

Whether it gets better or worse after demise,

Only the dilettantes of speculation know.

* * * *

All mythologies, all legends, all folklores, all traditions, all customs,

Are nothing more than human-created, fear-based, greed-laced,

Egocentric-ethnocentric-geocentric-heliocentric mind gorp.

When they are not imparting pearls of wisdom, that is.

* * * *

No matter how tainted, no matter how corrupt, no matter how vile, no matter how despicable,

The imaginary, the make-believe, the fictitious, the pretend, the illusory role you play,

The you that is real, the you that is true, the you that is eternal, is immaculate.

Free of all that the ever-ebbing-ever-flowing currents of consciousness are capable.

* * * *

So many roles to choose from in imagination’s infinity.

Creator or destroyer, saint or sinner, sage or fool.

Which mask, which costume, to wear today?

* * * *

There appears to be no inanity, no absurdity,

Which will not be explored to its full potential.

* * * *

How is it possible to prove existence or nonexistence?

Perception is the invention of imagination; knowledge its deception.

From all beginnings to all ends, the intuition of awareness is the candle in the abyss.

* * * *

What happens when your imaginary universe ceases?

When family, friends, work, events, things, memories, no longer rolodex through your thoughts.

When the busy-busy mind stills, when timeless awareness reigns.

Some call it dying while living.

* * * *

Imaginary universe.

Imaginary world.

Imaginary you.

* * * *

The narrative has many facets.

What is real and true is all that is relevant.

Dispel all creations, all forgeries, all fictions, all stories,

That are mythical, legendary, contrived, fictional, whimsical, symbolic,

Theatrical, melodramatic, allegorical, figurative, metaphoric, rhetorical, characteristic,

Emblematic, fabulous, unreal, hyperbolic, inflated, exaggerated,

Abstract, invented, illusory, and imaginary,

In the quest for truth.

* * * *

What is ambition but vanity’s hungry cry for more, more, more.

For imagination’s insatiable craving to be renowned, celebrated, notorious,

Through whatever combination of power and fame and fortune the Fates condescend.

* * * *

The mind is drawn to silence, to stillness, to eternity, but churns on and on.

Despite all assertions to the contrary, consciousness does not really want to let go

Of its imaginary, of its illusory, of its ever-kaleidoscoping quantum space-time creation.

* * * *

Challenging not to make mountains out of molehills with all this seeking and finding.

The question always boils down on whether to be, or not to be.

We are all ultimately on our own,

And that aloneliness is not an easy place

For the hurly-burly of imagination to long abide.

* * * *

No one can travel any faster than the dreamtime of momentary awareness allows

In their touchy-feely, three-dimensional, very mortal, quantum space-time machine.

* * * *

Do you really believe every group, every culture, across the human experience

Was not, is not, very much the same in their own very unique, very distinct way?

How much all humans have in common is far more defining than all the differences.

* * * *

The quantum mirage of time and space is but a biological-neurological phenomenon.

Nothing more than the mind-body’s imaginary perceptions wafting along neuron trails.

* * * *

Imagination swells larger and larger in the matrix of space and time,

But the moment, the awareness in which it transpires, is ever the same.

* * * *

If timeless awareness is all that is, and is not,

Then how can it hold on to anything, or anything hold on to it?

How would reincarnation, heavens or hells or purgatories, or any other afterlives,

Be even remotely possible as anything more than imaginary, illusory, fictional, make-believe identities,

As unreal as all to which humankind has so steadfastly clung through all its history?

* * * *

There is no god but awareness: inexplicable, indivisible, indelible.

All else is but the dream; the illusion born of consciousness.

Clouds drifting across the sky are as real and lasting.

* * * *

Boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes.

Such is the predicament of human consciousness within all.

Only in pure awareness do all evaporate into the oblivion of true nature.

* * * *

Why feel obligated to believe in, to idolize, to fear, any deity or deities,

Or any other spiritual notions formulated by imagination, human or otherwise?

Being awareness, being the moment, is the matchless state of existence.

No need for faith, no need for prayer, no need for doctrine.

* * * *

Being awareness, being the moment, is eternal life.

To want more is to be ensnared in the maze of imagination,

The dreamtime of the sensory mind given over to quantum illusion.

* * * *

Heavens and hells and purgatories and reincarnation,

How can the quantum wind of vanity possibly be carried on

Through the timeless awareness of the unborn-undying moment?

It is the game of consciousness, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

Aloneness is without vanity … without point, without purpose, without meaning,

But the voyage into the unfathomable enigma begets every distraction imaginable.

* * * *

Hard to imagine something that has never played out

Sometime, somewhere, somehow, in the human theater.

* * * *

Awareness is eternal witness to the omnipresent, kaleidoscoping quantum theater.

All identity, all personality, is but the conditioned response of imagination

To all the causes, to all the effects, played out in each and every mind.

The you that you think you are, the you that you believe you are,

Is but an electromagnetically-induced chemical perception,

An illusion, a delusion, a deception, born of a mystery

Whose immeasurable truth can never be known

But by those rare seekers who become it.

* * * *

Regarding reincarnation, which so many belief systems endlessly speculate,

What exactly is it that can be reborn other than imaginary notion?

How can spaceless awareness, how can timeless awareness,

Ever be blemished by any imaginary attribute?

Any given seed is but a one-ride-only space-time machine,

Playing out the nature-nurture patterning into which it is spawned.

* * * *

Consciousness, cognizance, knowledge, memory, deliberation,

Thinking, recollection, recall, remembrance, retention, reminiscence, rumination,

Contemplation, reflection, meditation, pondering, musing, dreaming,

Merely different words for the same play of imagination.

* * * *

It is a quantum theater.

You are not the quantum theater.

You are the unborn-undying eternal moment.

You are the awareness infusing the quantum theater.

You are the awareness perceiving the quantum theater.

You are the awareness witnessing the quantum theater.

* * * *

We are really nothing more than etchings

Of memories of an existence we imagine we have lived.

Key moments that we visualize and re-visualize over and over again.

Amorphous perceptions forever unborn, forever undying,

Each and every moment, in the sands of time.

* * * *

What is the human paradigm but individuals and groups,

Vying for supremacy in all of vanity’s imaginary cuisines.

* * * *

Awareness is the indivisible, impenetrable moment.

Awareness is prior to consciousness; there is no prior to awareness.

It is the inexplicable, immutable, indelible, omnipresent, faceless witness of eternity.

Label it whatever sound or symbol mind wills, no paradigm can ever own its unborn-undying nature.

* * * *

All religions are just a way for middlemen to control the masses.

The gold lining the streets of heaven is as enticing as the worldly variety.

All nothing more than vanity clutching at the swag of imagination.

The sheeple so many human beings are, are so easily herded.

* * * *

The imaginary you believes you exist, that you were born, that you will one day die.

That time and space are real, that the mind and senses demarcate the universe.

That the rise of humankind and all its civilizations, all its countless creations,

Is somehow ordained by deities on high, machinating with demons below.

And if not that, perhaps some grand, all-encompassing, scientific theory.

Or perhaps the artless nature of the fool too oblivious to even question.

Wake up, wake up, wherever you are, it is but illusion, you, its mystery.

* * * *

Why be at all concerned about heavens or hells or purgatories?

Or reincarnation, or any other mind-made, time-bound conception?

Of past lives you have no memory; of future lives you have no certainty.

All that is relevant is this very right-here-right-now eternal moment.

As it would have been, or will be, in any future-past ever created.

Be in this very singular moment, wherever, whenever, you are,

And all theaters will play out as the sands of time prescribe.

* * * *

… Stop believing …

… Stop believing all you know …

… Stop believing in the world …

… Stop believing in the universe …

… Stop believing in deities and demons …

… Stop believing you are a human being …

… Stop believing you are alive …

… Stop believing you will die …

… Stop believing you were ever born …

… Stop believing you are more than awareness …

… Stop believing you are even awareness …

… Just stop …

* * * *

Despite imagination’s interminable penchant for make-believe,

There is no other time, there is no other space, that you can possibly be,

But this very right-here-right-now, unborn-undying, eternally absolute moment.

* * * *

No matter the migratory path across the globe,

The human paradigm is about stories​ in all their many different forms.

Call them whatever you will: histories, accounts, chronicles, parables, narratives, folklores, legends,

Myths, sagas, fables, fairytales, tall tales, fish stories, jokes, puns, yarns, anecdotes, witticisms,

Memoirs, journals, diaries, records, annuls, aphorisms, descriptions, maxims, proverbs.

Whether fictional or non-fictional, whether prose, poetry, drama, or some hybrid.

No matter the genre: literary fiction, historical, mystery, magical realism,

Thriller, fantasy, horror, romance, science fiction, bildungsroman,

Dystopian, western, speculative fiction, or realist literature,

Or some other slice and dice of the mind-built pie,

The storytellers sculpt our world, our epoch,

Into whatever form imagination allows.

* * * *

For all practical purpose, vanity is hardwired into the human genome.

Some religious folk like to call it original sin for their own pious reasonings,

But it is really nothing more than the long and arduous path of natural selection.

The morphing evolution of breeding choices in the brewing stews of cultural theaters,

As the species gradually migrated every direction out of the African jungles of so long ago.

It is much less about sin than the inevitable outcome of all the dynamics this mystery has coined.

And awareness, the eternal, indivisible, unborn-undying witness in every sentient creation.

* * * *

The challenge is not making such a challenge of it.

Learn to endure the rises and falls, the ebbs and flows of the given mind.

As much as imagination would like to believe, nothing you do really ultimately matters even one iota.

Look for yourself, let go all the propaganda endlessly contrived for selfish purpose

By all the parasitic middlemen throughout the human epoch.

You are it, it is you, it is that simple.

* * * *

What is ego but little self’s identification with, little self's attachment to,

All the assumptions, all the habituation, that consciousness has imagined.

* * * *

All the histories, all the sciences, all the mathematics,

All the liberal studies, all the arts, all the music, all the whatever,

Are naught but the living-dying of imagination imagining.

Awareness is the unborn-undying witness to all.

* * * *

Awareness is prior to consciousness and all the dimensions it imagines.

All are but temporal creations, time-based perceptions of one theater or another.

No matter how vast or small, how complex or simple, all are naught but quantum illusion.

* * * *

The deities, singular or plural, were all fabricated by the mind of humankind.

They are vanity’s narcissistic-hedonistic need for meaning and purpose.

For some raison d'etre for this often banal, often painful existence.

For validation of the unquenchable craving for the unattainable more.

* * * *

The awareness is neither alive nor dead.

Only consciousness conceives existence.

Only consciousness imagines itself real.

* * * *

The ethereal, sensory dream of quantum existence

Is nothing more than time-bound memory, even as it is happening.

The unborn-undying nature of awareness is not touched

By the willy-nilly of any imaginary construct.

* * * *

Calling it a life implies something much more than it is and can ever be.

Calling it a dream fits the narrative much more accurately;

Imagination being the root of the collusion

To which the human species is so inherently attached.

* * * *

What is the mindful state given over to absolute awareness of the unborn-undying nature?

That which is prior to all imaginary notions evolved of the mind’s quantum dream.

That which is eternally right here, right now, without past, without future.

That which is all you really are, that which is all you really are not.

That which is the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotence that is truly God.

* * * *

Where does inner begin and the outer end?

Where does the inner end and the outer begin?

All boundaries are the handiwork of imagination;

A sea of metaphors born of linguistic aptitude.

* * * *

Religion is a shell game

In which truth is veiled from the masses,

Who are mindlessly satisfied with titillating make-believe.

The endlessly absurd bunk of all their deities and dogmas and superstitions,

And were it possible, be chucked into the trash heap of history, and forever more disregarded.

* * * *

An 80-year existence as a human being, not including 20-ish leap years, is:

960 months; 4160 weeks; 29,200 days; 700,800 hours; 42,049,000 minutes; 2,522,880,000 seconds.

What will you do with all those moments in your preordained eternal dream?

* * * *

What will your existence manifest if you are irrational?

Unwise, silly, senseless, wild, cracked, stupid, outrageous, unrealistic,

Outlandish, ridiculous, bizarre, peculiar, useless, eccentric, odd, zany, daft, hollow,

Passionate, fanatical, mad, extreme, preposterous, absurd, unreasonable, incredible, nonsensical,

Crazy, zealous, foolish, nutty, dippy, rash, reckless, foolhardy, lacking, wacky, screwy, futile,

Unconventional, preposterous, vain, futile, meaningless, fantastical, eccentric, illogical,

Capricious, implausible, farfetched, empty, unlikely, unbelievable, preposterous,

Strange, weird, whimsical, incongruous, ludicrous, pointless, offbeat, odd,

Farcical, idiotic, purposeless, fanciful, wacked out, off your head,

Generally, just jam-packed with every assortment of magical thinking?

What will it manifest, what will it convey, if you are at least reasonably rational?

* * * *

How can you discern the eternal but by observing very lucidly,

By observing beneath the shallows of consciousness at the timeless awareness,

The moment in which the world, the universe, all creation, kaleidoscopes unborn-undying.

* * * *

The world, the cosmos, that your sensory mind daily perceives,

Will be forever undone at the imaginary mind-body’s demise.

* * * *

Only of the moment is true, and awareness is its witness.

All else is the fluff of consciousness and its imaginary fictions.

* * * *

Only consciousness conceives.

Only consciousness believes.

Only consciousness judges.

Only consciousness cares.

Only consciousness loves.

Only consciousness hates.

Only consciousness wants.

Only consciousness creates.

Only consciousness preserves.

Only consciousness destroys.

* * * *

Consciousness is a clingy thing, always wanting more, and more never enough.

Contentment is ever just out of grasp, and even if it could be grasped,

More would sooner than later raise its dissatisfied head.

Only the rarest of the rare can gaze mindfully joyful at a wall.

* * * *

All ideas, all theories, all beliefs, all opinions,

Are conceptual frameworks concocted by imagination.

Awareness is the moment prior to all movements of consciousness.

* * * *

The kaleidoscoping quantum theater is but a mirage of the sensory mind.

And no mirage, no concept, no dream, no matter how real or true it may seem,

Is ever ultimately more than an assumption, an invention, a falsehood, a hoax, a lie.

It is all but a reverie to be taken only as seriously as the given witness is inclined.

Laugh if you can, cry if you must, what are joy and sorrow but secular states.

* * * *

Every moment you are born, every moment you die.

Unborn-undying every moment, why hold fast to anything?

Unborn-undying every moment, why be troubled about anything?

Unborn-undying every moment, why believe in anything?

* * * *

The deities most fabricate and worship are of a limited mindscape.

What God truly is, is so beyond the naked eye, that the naked mind

Cannot even begin to comprehend the infinitesimal infinity of it all.

* * * *

All things – animate or inanimate – are always in the quantum here now.

All forms great to small are but notions given reality by the sensory mind.

The eternal moment, the timeless awareness, is all there truly is, and is not.

* * * *

Space-time is a quantum illusion​, an unfathomable theater,

Created by the magic of evolution, playing out in the mystery of awareness.

There is really only the inexplicable, intangible, immeasurable, unknowable, timeless moment,

Through which dreamtime streams, unfolds, unfurls, displays, kaleidoscopes,

In the mind-body patterning of each and every sentient being,

All extemporaneously interacting together,

All very much alone.

* * * *

In the immaculate awareness of the timeless unborn-undying moment, you do not exist.

Only in consciousness, only in the time-bound notions of imagination,

Does the me and myself and I come into being.

* * * *

Mind-bodies too dynamic to keep still, have concoct everything imaginable under the human sun.

Culture, religion, commerce, industry, art, music, writing, architecture, war …

Even the most still ones rarely stay still for all that long.

The order of chaos rules.

* * * *

If this moment of immaculate awareness is all there is, how can any measurement,

Any assumption, any play of consciousness, whatsoever, ultimately mean anything?

* * * *

You are you, I am I, and we are all but limited mortal elements in this quantum dreamtime,

All together playing out every ecstasy, every agony, every narcissistic-hedonistic spin of the dice,

And not the remotest chance, not the vaguest possibility, of surviving all that long in the relative sense.

* * * *

Science, philosophy, religion, spirituality, belief, superstition,

Dogma, worship, exaltation, glorification, adulation, conviction, respect,

Idolization, praise, veneration, reverence, devotion, ceremony, sacrament, adoration,

Commandment, law, creed, canon, doctrine, principle, theory, code, rule, ritual, formula, model,

Speculation, conjecture, estimation, inference, intuition, fantasy, guess, notion …

What use does awareness have, what use does the moment have,

For any arbitrary invention of consciousness?

* * * *

Space-time is a quantum illusion,

A three-dimensional dream of consciousness,

An evolutionary collusion, an ever-kaleidoscoping mirage,

An inexplicable magician’s trick extraordinaire.

* * * *

Whether many deities or just one, all religions, all mythologies,

Are nothing more than human vanity’s superstitious, delusional need

To pretend it is of first and foremost relevance to the inexplicable unknown.

Only path-less-followed minds see through the make-believe,

And stand alone, clear and unknowing.

* * * *

How long will imagination allow you to reside in the immaculate serenity of awareness,

Totally alone, unbound by the tethers of the world and all its hullaballoo?

Why come back ever again to that which is not at all real

In any way or shape or form, whatsoever?

* * * *

To cease cloaking awareness with time and space and its ever-kaleidoscoping quantum attributes,

Is a conceptual awakening that humanity is having considerable difficulty achieving.

Even in light of the vast amount of scientific evidence to the contrary,

Lethargic minds are substantially more suited to superstition and absurdity.

Peering behind the mask of the many-faced mystery is a task to which few are called.

* * * *

Awareness is all there is … In its ever-present moment, you always are.

There is no ‘have always been’ … There is no ‘will always be.’

Time and space are naught but quantum illusions

In which imagination takes flight in every notion imaginable.

* * * *

Who wrote this?

Who do you think? And why would it matter?

All that matters is that you have the keenness to read it, and unlock the given mind

From the shackles of a conditioned nature-nurture dream.

Awareness is all, all is awareness.

* * * *

There is no forward, there is no back, there is no right nor left nor oblique.

There is only this very right-here-right-now quantum dreamtime,

For whatever moment the mystery of awareness allows.

* * * *

What is the meaning, what is the purpose of existence?

Why, everyone unremittingly telling everyone else

What they should believe and do, obviously.

* * * *

A time machine would be great fun, if time truly existed.

Alas, imagination is the one and only contraption on hand.

* * * *

Despite all words, all concepts, all notions to the contrary,

All philosophies must ultimately boil down to nothing,

Else the philosophers have not made the final unknowing leap,

And are instead snared by the metaphors of their own imaginary design.

* * * *

The quickest, easiest way to put any given true believer behind you

Is to listen for a bit, nod a few times, offer thanks, and then meander on.

If you discuss or argue further, you risk wasting who knows how much time

That would be better spent wandering alone in your own sovereignty.

* * * *

All sentient forms great to small gaze out upon their unique universe,

Each and every one the same indivisible, ubiquitous awareness,

The same indivisible source, the same indivisible mystery.

Declare the awareness to be one god or many,

By whatever deific-sounding sounds comes to mind,

The inscrutable that humankind ever aspires to penetrate,

Is eternally indifferent to, unaffected by, all conscious endeavors.

* * * *

What is death but the end of the need to think, to breathe, to move, to eat, to drink, to poop and pee.

The end of ever-kaleidoscoping agonies and ecstasies played out in the dream of time and space.

The end of power, fame, wealth, and all the narcissistic and hedonistic vanities they serve.

The end of the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, greed, sloth.

The end of knowledge and wisdom and foolishness, and all the effort to maintain them.

Death offers such peace, such quietude, the heaven of non-existence, no imagination required.

* * * *

Here it all is, right here, right now.

Awareness, allotted to an imaginary existence.

The you that you imagine is not, was not, will never be.

You are the nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

A mystery the time-bound mind can never grasp.

* * * *

All nothing more than the make-believe-pretend

Of the electromagnetic spectrum (a.k.a., quantum)

Riding the coattails of the mystery of awareness.

* * * *

Everything happens with or without your perception.

Everything happens with or without your permission.

Everything happens with or without your acceptance.

* * * *

What is this phenomenon we call existence?

A long and winding yellow brick road,

A deep and cavernous rabbit hole,

A reverie of timeless perception,

A collection of memories called real.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

Everything you think is a record of your nature-nurture habituation,

The conditioning that plays over and over and over, until death do you part.

Understand the difference between believing the record, and witnessing the record.

* * * *

Every life a dream of its own, until death it does forever part.

The same quantum mystery, the same awareness, all the while.

* * * *

For the seer, the challenge of the ever-changing consciousness

Is in the remembering and forgetting of its imaginary creation.

* * * *

All creation is but a simultaneous blip of imagination.

Ergo, time and space to play it out in grand theater form.

* * * *

Despite all evidence, all beliefs, all theories, all assumptions to the contrary,

It is nothing more than a manifest dream, a touchy-feely mirage,

That has no ultimate meaning or purpose, whatsoever.

Only vanity ever make-believes it more.


Different parts of the jungle have always been off-limits to different dreams.

* * * *

Try not to pretend to know what you can never know.

* * * *

The lies of imagination are many and without end.

* * * *

Consciousness, imagination, dreaming, all the same time-bound movement of mind.

* * * *

Doubt requires no belief.

* * * *

To approach the moment without the taint of memory, that is the challenge.

* * * *

Imagine all it took for these words to evolve into what you now read.

* * * *

Is existence really anything more than a bag of chemistry given over to imagination?

* * * *

It was hard to imagine that would be the case.

* * * *

What is history but stories rippling through minds in ways the storytellers can never imagine.

* * * *

All sense of self is a fabrication of imagination, nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

* * * *

It is in imagination that self is created and vanity rules.

* * * *

There is only awareness, through which imagination dreams.

* * * *

Can the sense of self, the sense of separation, born of consciousness, ever be sane?

* * * *

It is consciousness that moves, not Soul.​

* * * *

The only thing personal about the dream is you.

* * * *

Consciousness: Oh well, so it goes, deal with it, get over it, move on.

* * * *

Both believer and atheist assume they know something they do not, never could, never will.

* * * *

How can an empty sky be pointed out to clouds caught up in the dreams clouds dream?

* * * *

Even wisdom is imaginary.

* * * *

The delusional permutations of imagination are without end.

* * * *

Awareness is the presence through which all dreams abide.

* * * *

What is prior to consciousness? Awareness. What is prior to awareness? Nothing.

* * * *

Hope is akin to believing you can win in Las Vegas.

* * * *

Only vanity believes there is a problem; only vanity believes there is an answer.

* * * *

You are not what you imagine your Self to be, have never been, will never be.

* * * *

Right here, right now, ever and ever ceaselessly kaleidoscoping in consciousness.

* * * *

No, vanity is not all; how can the patter of imagination ever really amount to anything?

* * * *

It is but vanity that believes its self or anything else matters.

* * * *

Thinkers think, dreamers dream, philosophers philosophize,  it is what we do.

* * * *

Time and space, clouds and sky, consciousness and awareness, where is the separation?

* * * *

Yet another false hope to inspire the masses.

* * * *

Yet another imaginary feat.

* * * *

The challenge is to embrace the mystery without the limitations of imagination.

* * * *

Do not confuse the vanity of consciousness with the sentience of awareness.

* * * *

Vanity is nothing more than imagination gone askew.

* * * *

Your Jesus is a fabrication of your imagination, as is any historical characterization.

* * * *

What need of deities when imaginary is all they ever are, have ever been, will ever be.

* * * *

to believe how stupid, how insane, how absurd, so many can be.​

* * * *

Born of illusion, born into illusion; the trick is not to stay there.

* * * *

Who’s the who, who chooses? Consciousness? Or awareness? Or both and neither?

* * * *

The vanity of science is believing all its measurements count for something.

* * * *

The indivisible pie lets you play your illusion however you please.

* * * *

Imagine the world without you in it.

* * * *

Holding out for hope is not the best of strategies.

* * * *

Only vanity believes anything matters.

​* * * *​
Life, dreamy, touch-feely, three-dimensional illusion that it is, it ain’t all literal, it ain’t all figurative.

​* * * *​

Hoping against hope generally ain't a winning strategy.

* * * *

Time and space are imaginary constructs inspired by the illusory world built by the sensory mind.

* * * *

Embrace absurdity.

* * * *

That you are alive as anything more than an imaginary figment, is an imaginary assumption.

* * * *

Cynicism is a shield of righteousness against the absurdities of human consciousness.

* * * *

A higher level of faith is required.

* * * *

You really believe that!?

* * * *

Consciousness is ever-changing; awareness, ever-changeless.

* * * *

Imagine the imagination.

* * * *

Perception is a nature-nurture phenomenon.

* * * *

Why believe in anything?

* * * *

Speculation is the irrefutable bailiwick of ineffectual thinking.

* * * *

Believing your thoughts real and true is the first and last delusion.

* * * *

What is will, what is drive, what is resolve, but primal instinct coated in consciousness.

* * * *

Consciousness … imagination … is the usurper of eternity.

* * * *

Keep it absurd.

* * * *

Imagination only dreams it is alive.

* * * *

Existence, however it is parsed, is nothing more than a stretch of imagination.

* * * *

Irony and paradox and absurdity rule.

* * * *

Imagination is but a swirl of the electromagnetic spectrum (a.k.a., The Great Quantum).

* * * *

How can you see-hear-touch-taste-feel a dream but through imagination?

* * * *

Imagination only imagines it is alive.

* * * *

Good agnostic that you are, treat aliens like you do God, believe in ‘em when you sees ‘em.

* * * *

Consciousness (a.k.a., imagination) is about becoming; awareness, being.

* * * *

Dust to dust, unborn, undying, space and time naught but quantum illusion.

* * * *

there is to know is that you are the mystery of awareness; everything else is imaginary.

* * * *

Much easier to fabricate deities and demons than it is to take personal responsibility.

* * * *

There are no limits to human absurdity.

* * * *

The limits to human absurdity have not yet been fathomed.

* * * *

No memory, no imaginary notion, has ever been real.

* * * *

Imagination is the usurper of eternity.

* * * *

Humankind did not have to imagine it the way it has.

* * * *​

The future of the human paradigm only grows more absurd by the day.

* * * *​

Seeing is not believing.

* * * *

Other than being witness, the real has no relationship with the imaginary context.

* * * *

And there you are again, imagining yourself real.

* * * *

Accept no premise laced with falsehood or fallacy or absurdity, and you are home, scot-free.

* * * *

How to balance all the perceived unfairness that existence has dealt all.

* * * *

Better a dream than nothing? Or nothing than a dream? Hmm …

* * * *

Time is yours to spend wisely or wastes foolishly as the given dream ordains.

* * * *

Pretenders all.

* * * *

Hope cannot save you.

* * * *

Only speculation knows.

* * * *

There you are – right here, right now – fulfilling this imaginary fate.

* * * *

The perceptions of the sensory mind-body are all.

* * * *

Perception is the invention of imagination; speculation, the jester of delusion.

* * * *

To which you are you referring? The imaginary you, or the real You?

* * * *

Imaginary universe, imaginary world, imaginary you.

* * * *

The trilogy of consciousness is me, myself, and I.

* * * *

This is where imagination gets you.

* * * *

If dallying with imagination is your calling, you likely will not dally long here.

* * * *

Yet another wander down memory lane.

* * * *

Whether a world, a universe, or a dimension, all are of the same quantum dream.

* * * *

What book or journal or movie or memory can ever catch any historical event accurately?

* * * *

The space-time continuum is but an illusion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

* * * *

Only imagination gets interested or bored.

* * * *

Absurdity in, absurdity out; logic in, logic out.

* * * *

Prior to all the passions of consciousness, you, awareness, are.

* * * *

Whatever you imagine it to be, it is and is not.

* * * *

Imagination is just imagination no matter how well-imagined it may be.

* * * *

The human paradigm is a collusion of imaginary scale.

* * * *

You are the unborn-undying awareness prior to consciousness and all its imaginary whims.

* * * *

Speculation is not truth; it is all speculation.

* * * *

Awareness is prior to consciousness; there is no prior to awareness.

* * * *

It is all the make-believe of vanity, the whole shebang, the whole enchilada.

* * * *

Your play of identity, your vanity, is but a ruse of consciousness.

* * * *

Women are tied to the world, to the mundane, to the illusion, by their wombs.

* * * *

No one can really know more than they can imagine remembering.

* * * *

Imagination can only take you so far.

* * * *

Rediscover the eyes you had before imagination took root.

* * * *

Speculation is not knowledge.

* * * *

Imagination believes it lives; imagination believes it dies.

* * * *

Seeking who-what-where-when-why-how answers runs the gamut, the gauntlet, of speculation.

* * * *

The vanity trap has been the burden of human consciousness since little self took root.

* * * *

Existence as it is known is nothing more than memory, even as it is happening.

* * * *

The human paradigm is a delusional infatuation with its own imagination.

* * * *

The mind is imagination’s playground.

* * * *

Many things can be perceived many ways; quick conclusions are prone to error.

* * * *

Speculation abounds.

* * * *

Consciousness is born and dies; awareness is unborn-undying.

* * * *

Imaginary worlds, imaginary minds.

* * * *

Awareness is prior to consciousness, prior to all quantum dimensions, all electromagnetic creations.

* * * *

You are bound by nothing but imagination.

* * * *

It is consciousness that suffers, it is imagination that suffers, not awareness.

* * * *

A collusion of imaginary proportion.

* * * *

Are you astute enough, worthy enough, to be conscious container, conscious witness, of all creation?

* * * *

You are the unborn-undying awareness; everything else is imaginary.

* * * *

If it requires belief, it is not truth.

* * * *

Less a belief system than a seeing dynamic.

* * * *

Consciousness ponders, consciousness wants, consciousness cares; awareness, not so much.

* * * *

The state of the world is but a dreamer’s dream.

* * * *

What is eternal life but a mind given over to the awareness prior to consciousness.

* * * *

Who is master? Awareness or imagination? Eternity or consciousness?

* * * *

Imagination takes itself so seriously.

* * * *

Curiosity is not easily abated; consciousness ever yearns for more.

* * * *

Suicide is less about killing your Self than it is removing the mask and all it pretends.

* * * *

It is only as real as you believe it.

* * * *

Wandering a dream.

* * * *

The insanity of humanity.

* * * *

Just because billions of people believe something delusional does not make it any less absurd.

* * * *

Humankind’s genetic fascination with flesh and bodily fluids makes for every variety of delusion.

* * * *

Nothing has ever touched the real you; only that which is consciousness thinks and feels.

* * * *

The source of vanity is imagining self to be real.

* * * *

Discern that awareness in the dream-weaving mind where time ceases and space dissolves.

* * * *

The vanity to which all cling, despite all speculations to the contrary, is a one-shot deal.

* * * *

A poor memory is not necessarily a bad thing.

* * * *

The wind of imagination is the weaver of the delusion.

* * * *

Prayer, the ultimate insult to real faith.

* * * *

Those who consider themselves religious authorities are charlatans upon the podium of absurdity.

* * * *

No persuasion is required in the perception of truth.

* * * *

Prior to consciousness, prior to memory, prior to imagination, prior to pride, you are.

* * * *

Only imagination exists, you do not.

* * * *

What is called existence is really nothing more than the past tense of imagination fueled by pride.

* * * *

The mountain is rife with paths of every variety imaginable.

* * * *

Dispatch all notions of deities, of superstitious and magical thinking, and live free.

* * * *

Consciousness is imagination is dreamtime.

* * * *

Do not allow the delusions of others to sway or cloud your clarity.

* * * *

Another moment imagination can only pretend to know.

* * * *

So, what are you up to this fine day in your dream of time?

* * * *

Imaginary notion is the drivetrain of every human mind.

* * * *

History is awash in every conceivable variety of imaginary notion.

* * * *

What’s happening, Dreamer?

* * * *

Pretenders pretend because for the sake of others.

* * * *

All who join any group give themselves over to the delusion of the group mind.

* * * *

Imagination wins out until the simplicity of merely breathing, merely being, carries the moment.

* * * *

Awareness, without concern, without attachment, allows whatever imagination wills.

* * * *

If you believe humanity’s endless parade of deities and dogmas mean anything, guess again.

* * * *

What hope does nature have once it is designated a resource?

* * * *

The delusions of magical thinking are many and without end.

* * * *

Somebody else got that dream.

* * * *

There is no accounting for absurdity.

* * * *

Awareness is neither heart nor mind, nor any other imaginary notion.

* * * *

How difficult for the imaginary mind to remain still.

* * * *

No point envying another’s dream; play out the hand you have been dealt.

* * * *

What is history but an imaginary context that orchestrates a future.

* * * *

The final vanity is believing you are enlightened.

* * * *

How challenging to perceive a bubble before it bursts.

* * * *

Only the dead know the end of all things imaginary.

* * * *

Yet another example of absurdity infinitum.

* * * *

Imagination frolics willy-nilly in the forebrain theater.


I have seen enough, heard enough, tasted enough, smelt enough, touched enough,

And thought and done enough, for all the lifetimes I could have ever imagined.

And if I signed up for this mortal playhouse, I was too drunk to remember.

* * * *

If someone is soliciting your wallet for these free-given words,

Or pretending to represent some spiritual groupthink that hopefully will never spawn,

Put them behind you as quickly as them running shoes allow.

* * * *

Why didn’t I speak up louder?

Because I didn’t want to lead anybody,

I didn’t want to endure endless discussions or debates,

I didn’t want followers, I didn’t want to create another absurd religion,

I didn’t want to endlessly circle the world trying to save a narcissistic, hedonistic species,

Consumed by vanity and greed in a headlong dash towards a great fall.

All I ever really truly wanted was to be my Self by my Self.

Becoming a member of The Dead Poets Society

Was a much more tolerable cup of tea.

* * * *

Illusion that it is, still I wander to and fro through the ebb and flow.

* * * *

I do not believe, expect, or in any way, hope,

These words will have any meaningful impact on the future, at all.

Writing and editing and organizing them on the world wide web for free, was just too hard to resist.

Believe me, when I testify that none of this would have ever happened to the degree it has,

If I had had to write books, generate a following to buy them, build an ashram,

Sit up on stage having every word be closely judged, maybe filmed,

Pose on some golden throne for hours and hours comforting the miserable,

Or arguing over absurdly meaningless dogmatic details with true believers of every ilk.

* * * *

Thinkers thinking, dreamers dreaming, philosophers philosophizing,  it is what we do.

* * * *

Very likely history will not shine a bright light on the United States of Amerika.

Assuming, of course, humankind manages to survive its absurdities

Long enough to contemplate the how-we-got-here thing.

* * * *

I may be very wrong about all this, but do not see how.

In every way truth can be comprehended: from rational to irrational,

From absolute to relative, from to realistic to delusional, from infinite to infinitesimal,

From sensible to absurd, from ironic to paradoxical, from black to white,

It all melds into a unified certainty that cannot be undone.

It is this acuity, both deliberated and intuited,

That doubts all other contenders.

* * * *

A few hours, most every day, sharpening the legacy, imaginary as it is.

It has been absorbing, it has occupied a great deal of time,

But, hear me, hear me, I am well over it.

* * * *

It would be hard to believe that most everything yappable

Has not been yapped about somewhere in this aphoristic edifice.

* * * *

Have done many foolish and stupid things in this dreamtime.

No need to add more to the list as often as the moment allows.

* * * *

This lifetime exploration of consciousness, of imagination,

Has been a long and winding expedition down the road less traveled.

A destiny to which I have been haphazardly, matter-of-factly, irrevocably drawn,

As the world, the universe, gradually lost its hold over the intelligence prior to consciousness.

* * * *

Good agnostic that I am, I treats aliens like I do God, I'll believe in ‘em when I sees ‘em.

* * * *

The human paradigm has reached such a level of absurdity for me anymore,

That even just waking up to the bother of getting out of bed

Is proving more and more a challenge.

* * * *

What men could endure playing out the absurd existence of so many modern women?

A near-endless fascination with hair, nails, eyebrows, make-up, clothes, shaving, waxing, bodily fluids,

Children, cats, rat dogs, parties, flowers, cards, shopping-shopping-and-more shopping,

Romance novels, soap operas, chick flicks, game shows, song and dance shows,

Froufrou drinks, pastries, thighs slowly spreading across the couch,

Insatiably sucking out the soul of the man they bagged,

And ever still wanting more, more, more.

Mind-dulling ad infinitum.

* * * *

concern have I for heavens and hells,

For reincarnation or any other time-bound conception?

Of past lives I have no memory; of future lives I have no certainty.

All that matters is this very right-here-right-now eternal moment.

As it would have been, or will be, in any future-past ever coined.

* * * *

Nomad, wanderer, traveler, sojourner,

Explorer, sanyasi, student, apprentice, pupil, learner,

Adventurer, transient, trailblazer, itinerant, speculator, buccaneer,

Pioneer, migrant, drifter, rover, vagrant, rambler, voyager, trekker, rolling stone,

Dreamer, philosopher, sage … All of the above, and more, I have been.

* * * *

a dream, aloof and free.

* * * *

A poor memory is not necessarily a bad thing.

* * * *

By this mind-body, and the cosmos and world it has somehow fashioned,

I, whatever ‘I’ imagines itself to be, will not much longer be afflicted by this reverie of space and time.

One moment in some relatively near-soon, by, if the fates deign it, this own crippled hand,

This inexplicable awareness shall back into the serenity of oblivion be cast.

* * * *

History toys with all who believe.

* * * *

Same old rolodex of imaginary perceptions, none more real than the next.

* * * *

Those were the daze, my friend, we dreamt they would never end.

* * * *

Many times, it begins with just the inkling of a notion, not even close to being fully formed,

And the new ditty takes fuller definition as pen scribbles across paper.

And later, when time is made for the keyboard,

That squiggle of an idea often magnifies even further.

The joys of word association are many and not far between.

The Standard Ripostes

A collusion of imagination.

* * * *

The insanity of humanity.

Possible Last Words & Epitaphs

No absurdity here

Michael's Rabbit Hole

Who Was the First?

Who was the first to come down from the trees?

Who was the first to walk out into the plain?

Who was the first to gaze up into the skies?

Who was the first to use a hand signal?

Who was the first to utter a word?

Who was the first to stand?

Who was the first to walk?

Who was the first to run?

Who was the first to pursue?

Who was the first to build a fire?

Who was the first to throw a stone?

Who was the first to make a spear?

Who was the first to make a bowl?

Who was the first to make a basket?

Who was the first to tame a wolf?

Who was the first to tame a cat?

Who was the first to cook a meal?

Who was the first to use fire as a weapon?

Who was the first to write a word?

Who was the first to build a tool?

Who was the first to make a bowl?

Who was the first to make a spoon?

Who was the first to make a fork?

Who was the first to make a cup?

Who was the first to plant a seed?

Who was the first to create many gods?

Who was the first to create one god?

Who was the first to make a canoe?

Who was the first to dig a canal?

Who was the first to make an awl?

Who was the first to make ink?

Who was the first to make a knife?

Who was the first to use a club?

Who was the first to make a needle?

Who was the first to make cloth?

Who was the first to color clothing?

Who was the first to make a sword?

Who was the first to make a slingshot?

Who was the first to solve a math problem?

Who was the first to devise a geometric shape?

Who was the first to draw a line?

Who was the first to draw a square?

Who was the first to draw a triangle?

Who was the first to draw a circle?

Who was the first to make paper?

Who was the first to do a string figure?

Who was the first to make music?

Who was the first to make a flute?

Who was the first to make a drum?

Who was the first to make a harp?

Who was the first to make a harpoon?

Who was the first to make a fishing pole?

Who was the first to build a shield?

Who was the first to devise a currency?

Who was the first to make a bed?

Who was the first to enter a cave?

Who was the first to build a hut?

Who was the first to make a tent?

Who was the first to make a sling?

Who was the first to make a bow?

Who was the first to ride a horse?

Who was the first to form a hunting party?

Who was the first to make a mirror?

Who was the first to make a comb?

Who was the first to make a brush?

Who was the first to use build a home?

Who was the first to build a boat?

Who was the first to name a star?

Who was the first to make first painting?

Who was the first to design first symbol?

Who was the first to create a deity?

Who was the first to conceive good and evil?

Who was the first to create paint?

Who was the first to use a stylus?

Who was the first to make pottery?

Who was the first to devise cuneiform?

Who was the first to conceive numbers?

Who was the first to conceive letters?

Who was the first to conceive language?

Who was the first to awaken to Self?

Who was the first to conceive love?

Who was the first to conceive romance?

Who was the first to kill a beast?

Who was the first to wear clothes?

Who was the first to make a wheel?

Who was the first to make a cart?

Who was the first to make a boat?

Who was the first to make a sail?

Who was the first to barter?

Who was the first to create money?

Who was the first to make paper?

Who was the first to create a business?

Who was the first to chip a stone?

Who was the first to make an awl?

Who was the first to wear jewelry?

Who was the first to dig for metal?

Who was the first to make a forge?

Who was the first to create an explosive?

Who was the first to make a shield?

Who was the first to make a rope?

Who was the first to sew?

Who was the first to make clothes?

Who was the first to write graffiti?

Who was the first to wear a tattoo?

Who was the first to domesticate an animal?

Who was the first to swaddle an infant?

Who was the first to bury a body?

Who was the first to eat fruit?

Who was the first to take a hallucinogen?

Who was the first to make alcohol?

Who was the first to create a currency?

Who was the first to smoke tobacco?

Who was the first to kill another?

Who was the first to use a pillow?

Who was the first to float on a log?

Who was the first to swim across a river?

Who was the first to make sugar?

Who was the first to harvest honey?

Who was the first to kill a tiger?

Who was the first to ride an elephant?

Who was the first to make a saddle?

Who was the first to make a stirrup?

Who was the first to milk a goat?

Who was the first to sow a seed?

Who was the first to create a herd?

Who was the first to make a blanket?

Who was the first to make a coat?

Who was the first to dig a well?

Who were the first to hunt as a band?

Who was the first to dam a river?

Who was the first to discover gold?

Who was the first to walk a beach?

Who was the first to milk a cow?

Who was the first to climb a mountain?

Who was the first to sail on the ocean?

Who was the first to wear a dress?

Who was the first to wear pants?

Who was the first to make a belt?

Who was the first to make glass?

Who was the first to wear underwear?

Who was the first to milk a horse?

Who was the first to make a candle?

Who was the first to make a stairway?

Who was the first to build a house?

Who was the first to make a hammock?

Who was the first to make a tent?

Who was the first to catch a fish?

Who was the first to make a net?

Who was the first to trap an animal?

Who was the first to sing a song?

Who was the first to wear makeup?

Who was the first to get a haircut?

Who was the first to tie a knot?

Who was the first to trim his beard?

Who was the first to breed an animal?

Who was the first to harvest a crop?

Who was the first to rape another?

Who was the first to steal from another?

Who was the first to hoard wealth?

Who was the first to torture another?

Who was the first to fight a battle?

Who was the first to bake bread?

Who was the first to build a castle?

Who was the first to make up a story?

Who was the first to see a reflection of their face?

Who was the first to imagine a sense of self?

And who will be the last?

The Mystery of the Mystery

It is a mysterious mystery.

It is an absolute mystery.

It is an immeasurable mystery.

It is an immaculate mystery.

It is a sovereign mystery.

It is an indelible mystery.

It is an unadulterated mystery.

It is an indivisible mystery.

It is an inexplicable mystery.

It is an ultimate mystery.

It is an unknowable mystery.

It is a timeless mystery.

It is a quintessential mystery.

It is a spaceless mystery.

It is an imperishable mystery.

It is an unfathomable mystery.

It is a pristine mystery.

It is an indecipherable mystery.

It is a seamless mystery.

It is an interminable mystery.

It is a baffling mystery.

It is an unmitigated mystery.

It is an unspoiled mystery.

It is an impeccable mystery.

It is an enigmatic mystery.

It is an inconceivable mystery.

It is an untainted mystery.

It is an ineffable mystery.

It is an inscrutable mystery.

It is a precise mystery.

It is an impenetrable mystery.

It is an ideal mystery.

It is a flawless mystery.

It is an unborn mystery.

It is an undying mystery.

It is an eternal mystery.

It is an unparalleled mystery.

It is a supreme mystery.

It is an architype mystery.

It is a superlative mystery.

It is an unavoidable mystery.

It is a creative mystery.

It is a destructive mystery.

It is an inventive mystery.

It is an imaginative mystery.

It is an unprecedented mystery.

It is a singular mystery.

It is a spectacular mystery.

It is an unusual mystery.

It is a novel mystery.

It is an innovative mystery.

It is a spontaneous mystery.

It is a kaleidoscoping mystery.

It is a unique mystery.

It is a paradigm mystery.

It is a metaphorical mystery.

It is a adamant mystery.

It is a metaphorical mystery.

It is an inescapable mystery.

It is an unchangeable mystery.

It is a relentless mystery.

It is an inflexible mystery.

It is an ironic mystery.

It is a paradoxical mystery.

It is a boggling mystery.

It is an unrivalled mystery.

It is an unequaled mystery.

It is an unmatched mystery.

It is an unsurpassed mystery.

It is a special mystery.

It is an outstanding mystery.

It is a brilliant mystery.

It is an inexorable mystery.

It is an exclusive mystery.

It is an incomprehensible mystery.

It is a distinctive mystery.

It is an exceptional mystery.

It is an inimitable mystery.

It is a matchless mystery.

It is a one-off mystery.

It is an outstanding mystery.

It is an irreplaceable mystery.

It is a hypothetical mystery.

It is a theoretical mystery.

It is an implausible mystery.

It is a surreptitious mystery.

It is an unsolvable mystery.

It is a cryptic mystery.

It is a puzzling mystery.

It is an extraordinary mystery.

It is a profound mystery.

It is a ruthless mystery.

It is a perplexing mystery.

It is a complex mystery.

It is an incomparable mystery.

It is a peculiar mystery.

It is a weird mystery.

It is an audacious mystery.

It is a cagey mystery.

It is a fearless mystery.

It is an intrepid mystery.

It is a courageous mystery.

It is a puzzling mystery.

It is an obscure mystery.

It is a hidden mystery.

It is an ambiguous mystery.

It is an abyss mystery.

It is an empty mystery.

It is an obtuse mystery.

It is a vacuous mystery.

It is a streaming mystery.

It is a bottomless mystery.

It is a shrewd mystery.

It is a perceptive mystery.

It is a wise mystery.

It is a judicious mystery.

It is an incisive mystery.

It is an intelligent mystery.

It is a sensible mystery.

It is a never-ending mystery.

It is a limitless mystery.

It is a boundless mystery.

It is an effortless mystery.

It is an unpretentious mystery.

It is an artless mystery.

It is an inherent mystery.

It is an actual mystery.

It is a predictable mystery.

It is a foolish mystery.

It is an instinctive mystery.

It is a hollow mystery.

It is a vague mystery.

It is a vibrating mystery.

It is a pointless mystery.

It is a hard-hearted mystery.

It is a methodical mystery.

It is an oscillating mystery.

It is a quantum mystery.

It is a scientific mystery.

It is a logical mystery.

It is a precise mystery.

It is a detached mystery.

It is a forthright mystery.

It is a natural mystery.

It is an exact mystery.

It is a systematic mystery.

It is a complete mystery.

It is a definitive mystery.

It is a state-of-the-art mystery.

It is a true mystery.

It is an implacable mystery.

It is a merciless mystery.

It is an unbending mystery.

It is a callous mystery.

It is an abundant mystery.

It is an everything mystery.

It is an unbreakable mystery.

It is an immortal mystery.

It is a ground mystery.

It is a demanding mystery.

It is a meticulous mystery.

It is a holographic mystery.

It is a matrix mystery.

It is a patternless mystery.

It is an arcane mystery.

It is an esoteric mystery.

It is an untraceable mystery.

It is a pathless mystery.

It is an indescribable mystery.

It is a majestic mystery.

It is a nothing mystery.

It is a fastidious mystery.

It is an unexplainable mystery.

It is an unyielding mystery.

It is an infinite mystery.

It is a bona fide mystery.

It is a mysterious mystery.

It is a … mystery.

You Are Not

You are not your mind.

You are not your body.

You are not your mask.

You are not your nature.

You are not your nurture.

You are not your imagination.

You are not your perceptions.

You are not your memories.

You are not your vanities.

You are not your dreams.

You are not your hopes.

You are not your values.

You are not your history.

You are not your language.

You are not your identity.

You are not your name.

You are not your ethnicity.

You are not your gender.

You are not your family.

You are not your tribe.

You are not your caste.

You are not your culture.

You are not your country.

You are not your religion.

You are not your work.

You are not you talents.

You are not your hobbies.

You are not your things.

You are not your successes.

You are not your failures.

You are not your desires.

You are not your fears.

You are not your ecstasies.

You are not your agonies.

You are not your time.

You are not your space.

You are not your world.

You are not your universe.

You are not your dimension.

You are not anything; you are not everything.

You are not … You are not … You are not … You are not …

But the awareness, the indivisibility, the mystery, permeating all … and none.

To Be, or Not to Be

To be, or not to be.

To become, or not to become.

To doubt, or not to doubt.

To see, or not to see.

To share, or not to share.

To love, or not to love.

To serenity, or not to serenity.

To taste, or not to taste.

To think, or not to think.

To imbibe, or not to imbibe.

To give, or not to give.

To inquire, or not to inquire.

To hate, or not to hate.

To eat, or not to eat.

To still, or not to still.

To protect, or not to protect.

To smell, or not to smell.

To coexist, or not to coexist.

To kill, or not to kill.

To tranquil, or not to tranquil.

To battle, or not to battle.

To embrace, or not to embrace.

To know, or not to know.

To touch, or not to touch.

To hear, or not to hear.

To resist, or not to resist.

To breathe, or not to breathe.

To revolt, or not to revolt.

To serve, or not to serve.

To take, or not to take.

To live, or not to live.

To instruct, or not to instruct.

To die, or not to die.

To order, or not to order.

To create, or not to create.

To preserve, or not to preserve.

To destroy, or not to destroy.

To pray, or not to pray.

To grok, or not to grok.

To who, or not to who.

To predator, or not to predator.

To try, or not to try.

To wrath, or not to wrath.

To camouflage, or not to camouflage.

To covet, or not to covet.

To repose, or not to repose.

To exist, or not to exist.

To academic, or not to academic.

To boast, or not to boast.

To what, or not to what.

To sow, or not to sow.

To empathy, or not to empathy.

To follow, or not to follow.

To denounce, or not to denounce.

To torture, or not to torture.

To enjoy, or not to enjoy.

To compete, or not to compete.

To waffle, or not to waffle.

To grow, or not to grow.

To ally, or not to ally

To sojourn, or not to sojourn.

Th charge, or not to charge.

To abide, or not to abide.

To beg, or not to beg.

To rebel, or not to rebel.

To permit, or not to permit.

To mold, or not to mold.

To join, or not to join.

To review, or not to review.

To affiliate, or not to affiliate.

To dream, or not to dream.

To waiver, or not to waiver.

To conquer, or not to conquer

To win, or not to win.

To shuffle, or not to shuffle.

To lose, or not to lose.

To surrender, or not to surrender.

To go, or not to go.

To dive, or not to dive.

To write, or not to write.

To discern, or bot to discern.

To propagate, or not to propagate.

To stop, or not to stop.

To learn, or not to learn.

To succeed, or not to succeed.

To impede, or not to impede.

To where, or not to where.

To nurture, or not to nurture.

To sympathy, or not to sympathy.

To fail, or not to fail.

To sit, or not to sit.

To prey, or not to prey.

To recline, or not to recline.

To lead, or not to lead.

To victim, or not to victim.

To innovate, or not to innovate.

To wander, or not to wander.

To lie, or not to lie.

To produce, or not to produce.

To idol, or not to idol.

To investigate, or not to investigate.

To when, or not to when.

To fall, or not to fall.

To assert, or not to assert.

To draw, or not to draw.

To sheeple, or not to sheeple.

To understand, or not to understand.

To collaborate, or not to collaborate.

To quest, or not to quest.

To fly, or not to fly.

To increase, or not to increase.

To cease, or not to cease.

To pass, or not to pass.

To observe, or not to observe.

To help, or not to help.

To why, or not to why.

To speak, or not to speak.

To extrapolate, or not to extrapolate.

To symbol, or not to symbol.

To work, or not to work.

To narrate, or not to narrate.

To renounce, or not to renounce.

To play, or not to play.

To invent, or not to invent.

To remind, or not to remind.

To tolerate, or not to tolerate.

To contend, or not to contend.

To feel, or not to feel.

To contort, or not to contort.

To fantasy, or not to fantasy.

To lust, or not to lust.

To mention, or not to mention.

To argue, or not to argue.

To angel, or not to angel.

To own, or not to own.

To decrease, or not to decrease.

To how, or not to how.

To save, or not to save.

To journey, or not to journey.

To trip, or not to trip.

To rhetoric, or not to rhetoric.

To participate, or not to participate.

To allow, or not to allow.

To respond, or not to respond.

To romantic, or not to romantic.

To analyze, or not to analyze.

To act, or not to act.

To complain, or not to complain.

To passion, or not to passion.

To walk, or not to walk.

To challenge, or not to challenge.

To throw, or not to throw.

To desire, or not to desire.

To drudge, or not to drudge.

To berate, or not to berate.

To state, or not to state.

To cast off, or not to cast off.

To tribe, or not to tribe.

To teach, or not to teach.

To true, or not to true.

To achieve, or not to achieve.

To drift, or not to drift.

To maintain, or not to maintain.

To toss, or not to toss.

To start, or not to start.

To rant, or not to rant.

To disdain, or not to disdain.

To inflict, or not to inflict.

To explore, or not to explore.

To quit, or not to quit.

To criticize, or not to criticize.

To spend, or not to spend.

To buy, or not to buy.

To rise, or not to rise.

To sermon, or not to sermon.

To infinite, or not to infinite.

To care, or not to care.

To groupthink, or not to groupthink.

To heal, or not to heal.

To condemn, or not to condemn.

To doublethink, or not to doublethink.

To address, or not to address.

To quantum, or not to quantum.

To extinct, or not to extinct.

To cooperate, or not to cooperate.

To rage, or not to rage.

To party, or not to party.

To pragmatic, or not to pragmatic.

To existential, or not to existential.

To react, or not to react.

To false, or not to false.

To dismiss, or not to dismiss.

To thoughtcrime, or not to thoughtcrime.

To remark, or not to remark.

To grasp, or not to grasp.

To demon, or not to demon.

To superstition, or not to superstition.

To quarrel, or not to quarrel.

To experiential, or not to experiential.

To listen, or not to listen.

To drink, or not to drink.

To comprehend, or not to comprehend.

To harangue, or not to harangue.

To practical, or not to practical.

To one, or not to one.

To fix, or not to fix.

To empirical, or not to empirical.

To critique, or not to critique.

To riot, or not to riot.

To protect, or not to protect.

To sell, or not to sell.

To totality, or not to totality.

To twist, or not to twist.

To flourish, or not to flourish.

To zip, or not to zip.

To cultivate, or not to cultivate.

To hunger, or not to hunger.

To vie, or not to vie.

To paradox, or not to paradox.

To irony, or not to irony.

To hint, or not to hint.

To describe, or not to describe.

To mature, or not to mature.

To newspeak, or not to newspeak.

To zeal, or not to zeal.

To explain, or not to explain.

To fish, or not to fish.

To doublespeak, or not to doublespeak.

To condone, or not to condone.

To run, or not to run.

To reason, or not to reason.

To anarchy, or not to anarchy.

To seek, or not to seek.

To repair, or not to repair.

To desecrate, or not to desecrate.

To deride, or not to deride.

To wise, or not to wise.

To comment, or not to comment.

To kneel, or not to kneel.

To nest, or not to nest.

To assist, or not to assist.

To oppose, or not to oppose.

To perceive, or not to perceive.

To defend, or not to defend.

To witness, or not to witness.

To thirst, or not to thirst.

To ask, or not to ask.

To announce, or not to announce.

To shield, or not to shield.

To harvest, or not to harvest.

To delve, or not to delve.

To note, or not to note.

To mayhem, or not to mayhem.

To fathom, or not to fathom.

To delight, or not to delight.

To dig, or not to dig.

To partner, or not to partner.

To sally, or not to sally.

To adapt, or not to adapt.

To attack, or not to attack.

To venture, or not to venture.

To evolve, or not to evolve.

To chameleon, or not to chameleon.

To have, or not to have.

To pretend, or not to pretend.

To struggle, or not to struggle.

To endure, or not to endure.

To wonder, or not to wonder.

To question, or not to question.

To be, or not to be.

Those are some questions.

Plays of Imagination

Is time separate from space?

Are clouds separate from the sky?

Are shores separate from the ocean?

Is consciousness separate from awareness?

Is one moment separate from any other moment?

Are you separate from the mystery that is unfathomable?

All dualistic notions are nothing more than plays of imagination.


Un-imagine you are this mind-body.

Un-imagine you are this existence.

Un-imagine you are this world.

Un-imagine you are this cosmos.

Un-imagine you are this dreamtime.

Only Consciousness

Only consciousness conceives.

Only consciousness believes.

Only consciousness judges.

Only consciousness cares.

Only consciousness loves.

Only consciousness hates.

Only consciousness wants.

Only consciousness creates.

Only consciousness preserves.

Only consciousness destroys.